9 | Betrayed | Jack

Start from the beginning

"So now what?" David asks him. "Why? Why'd you do it? We trusted you."

"Davey, I--" Jack tries to start.

"No," David cuts him off. Jack closes his mouth. "No. We trusted you. All of us. What can these guys offer you that we can't? Jack, this is your family!"

It would hurt less if David was wrong. It would hurt a lot less. But he's not.

"Why did you lie?" David asks, softer, a little more vulnerable. "Why didn't you just say what your real name was? And all the little things to go along with it?" He doesn't let up. "Why are you throwing everything we worked for away?"

"Listen, Davey," Jack says, with words that aren't his own, "for the first time in my life, I got money in my pocket. Real money. I didn't have anyone tuckin' me in at night, like you did. I had to do everything myself. You can't ever understand that. And now? Now I can do whatever I want." 

"I just don't get you," David responds coldly.

"Well, you never were supposed to in the first place."

David glares at him. "And all those words you used. Those were my words."

"Yeah, well. You just didn't have the guts to, didn't ya."

"Well, I do now." David pauses. "And guess what? We don't need you." His nostrils flare. "We! Don't! Need! You!"

David doesn't say it outright but Jack knows: he's also saying that he doesn't need Jack anymore. Whatever they had, what they could have come, it's all gone.

Something sparks in David's eye. It was a new look for David, but Jack has seen it elsewhere plenty of times. He stands still as he watches David's fist fly through the air. Except the hand never makes contact with Jack's face. He remains motionless as David is led back through the crowd, eyes glaring at Jack full of hatred. It would have been better if Jack had gotten the fist to the face. He knows he deserves it. He inhales deeply. This is easily the worst thing he has ever had to live through.

"He's joking, right?" a small voice pipes up.

Oh, no.

"He's just pretending to be a scab, right?" Les continues in a very innocent voice. "Yeah, that's it! Jack would never do anything like this, right?"

Jack watches Race sigh and pat Les's shoulder. "Sure kid. That's just what he's doin'." Except Jack could tell that Race doesn't believe it. Race and Spot exchange a defeated look as they lead Les away from the front, Les who still is trying to tell everyone that Jack will come back in no time.

Slowly, but surely, the crowd disperses. And all that are left are the ones who work for Pulitzer.

"See your friend walkin' away?" Oscar taunts Jack. "We can fix 'im so bad he won't be able to walk!"

"Shut up!" Jack practically growls at him, getting in his face. No one talks about David that way. Even if they may never be friends again, absolutely no one can hurt David.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Weasel says as Morris pulls Jack away from his brother. "Remember, Cowboy, one slip, and all this goes away." Jack stays silent, anger still burning inside him. But he doesn't make a move to soak anyone. Weasel smiles--a very unpleasant, weasel-like smile. "Good."

Jack just wants today to end. He wants to get out of here.

But he's just as trapped as he was before. 

And he's lost all the people who matter most.



After getting home, David doesn't want to do anything. He's just dead inside. He can't stand anything. All that's happening around him just goes over his head, barely registering it.

"Les. What is this?"

"I was saving it for later."

"Davey! Look!"

David doesn't move, all he does is look as Sarah brings what Les rolled the hot dog in closer to him. "It's the article! It's Denton's article! Here, let me read it."

She doesn't get too far before David stands up and violently storms out the window and onto the balcony, leaving Sarah and Les in the room, staring hopelessly after where he had left.

This is where he and Jack were. That day they met. They talked together, and David knows that he and Jack shared something special. They were standing close, but had to jump apart when David's father came to check on them. David had had an awe for Jack, but over time, it grew more into a true friendship than simple admiration. And...and...David shouldn't allow himself to think of it...but the red bandana...maybe Jack could want to be more than just friends. But David was getting ahead of himself.

Now, he sits down behind the railing and finally breaks down and sobs.

This was really sad to write I hope it was as heart-wrenching to read as it was to write and watch in the movie or musical...except the musical doesn't have Jack becoming a full-on scab so there's not the same feeling there.

I THINK I went deep into emotions, but in truth, I really could have just THOUGHT I did because all of it was swarming in my head and I just didn't get it down...but oh well.

Race is so good with younger kids I love his interactions with Les they are so pure.

The next chapter(s) may be short, I really don't know, but starting with this one I really wanted certain things to go under certain chapter titles and this is my only form of organization haha but even then it is still all over the place.

And I'll update...I really don't know when. But until then.

Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section.


~Your Beloved Author (who was home alone today and used the stove for the first time all by themself and feels prouder of the accomplishment than they probably should have)

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