Jeffmads: Drunken Love 🔥

Start from the beginning

Alexander looked up at James, who stood over him like an alpha, scrambling to his feet and taking a step back. James simply pointed to the door, to which he followed the pointed finger, walking through the crowd holding his jaw and walking out the door.

Thomas stared down at James as if he'd just saved the world, taking a step towards him with his eyes wide in shock. James simply turned around and smiled up at him, leaning close to him and standing on his toes so he could reach his lips. He cupped the taller males face with both hands and gently pressed their lips together, softly making out.

The Virginian leaned down into the kiss and moved their lips together, flipping their positions and pinning James to the wall. He placed one hand against the wall beside the submissive's head and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer so their bodies connected. James didn't even try to battle for dominance, because the only thing he wanted right now in his twisted up mind was Thomas. He wanted to be pinned to a bed and fucked into the mattress, to feel Thomas filling him up, to moan out the name of the person he'd been longing for ever since he laid eyes on him.

Thomas seemed to have forgotten they were still in public, but it didn't matter right now. He slowly pressed their front together and eagerly began to grind against the smaller one, who emitted quiet gasps and pleaded for more against his lips. They had forgotten that the room was filled with people, the entire room blurred and the only thing in focus was the other. It was only when another voice bothered them that they stopped. "At least get a room!" The voice laughed and faded away into the sound of the music. Thomas and James both looked at each other with the same look, nodding to each other before James was scooped up, wrapping his legs around the man carrying him and kissing him with a rough hunger to it.

They both were giggling and passionately making out as they made their way down the hall, hitting their bodies against things as they walked blindly, never parting lips unless they had a dire need for air. After a short and painful walk to the bathroom, Thomas drunkenly fiddled with the doorknob and jerked it open after a few tries. Both of their heads shot up once they saw a second couple against the wall. Thomas quickly snapped his fingers and pointed his thumb behind him towards the door. "Out, it's our turn." The female went to retaliate but Thomas snapped back before she could answer. "My house, my rules." They both looked shocked and immediately apologized, fixing their clothes and rushing out of the bathroom.

Thomas and James both looked at each other and shared an affectionate laugh before diving back into each other's mouths, moaning around the others tongue as they aggressively tried unclothing each other. Thomas slowly slid off James's sweater and threw it aside, nowhere to be found again. Then came Thomas's blazer, which James nearly ripped trying to get off, but succeeded nevertheless. They both took a moment to admire the others exposed self.

Thomas, to go perfectly with his marvelous height, stood tall and self-absorbingly. From James's view, he looked absolutely immaculate. His well-defined chest that was a toned, sweet senna color. The small divots shaping his abs were barely visible, but James could tell Thomas worked out often. James took a helping glance up at his face for a moment, admiring his eyes that almost stared right through him, but had that soft glisten to it.

And James, who may not work out or look perfectly appealing to most people, had the personality to add into his looks. His smile lit up everything around him like fireworks bursting through the pitch black sky on a New Year's night, with his eyes shimmering with a soft lidded hazel color when he was in just the right light. His stomach may have had a slight tinge of chub to it, but Thomas loved everything about him nevertheless. The stretch marks on his hips and the way his stomach rose and fell as he panted him look even more irresistible to the Virginian.

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