Whamilton: Pulled over 🔥

761 14 28

Kink List: 

3: Kissing

6: Oral Sex

16: Spanking

18: Dirty Talk

28: Pain Kink

33: Loud Sex

64: One Night Stand

"Needless to say, I keep her in check! She was all bad-bad, nevertheless!" Alex sang out, tapping his fingers against the rubber of his steering wheel as he blasted the latest hit song. The leather seats of his expensive car vibrated as the music boomed through his eardrums, and nearly the entire freeway could hear his horribly singing above the music. People shouted and honked at him, but he ignored them entirely, flipping them all off and sticking his tongue out like a child.

But what nobody knew was that Alexander was on his way to planting a special bomb under where he used to work. Bastards, they were. Ten years at that company, the best accountant in the building, and they fired him on the spot for one mix-up meeting in Thomas Jefferson's office. All he did was give him a little blowjob, maybe give his balls a little massage. And they fired him. Right that minute, his boss just happened to walk in and immediately fired them both. It was ridiculous. They were all sons of bitches anyway. And he was going to kill them.

"Then you're left in the dust! Unless I stuck by ya! You're a sunflower! You're a sunflower!" Alex belted out, nearly slamming on his horn once he heard a particularly familiar honk from behind him. Red and blue lights flashed in his rear view mirror. "Oh, shit. Not these bitches again." Alex sighed, pulling over to the side of the road and rolling his window down. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, whistling and humming unamused.

A few heavy footsteps followed up to Alex's drivers door, and he looked up with a smirk on his face. "Hellooo, officer." He giggled, making eye contact with the attractive cop, bright blue eyes and dark brown eyebrows. "Oh shit, you're actually kind of hot this time! Most cops are fat and hairy for some strange reason." Alex chuckled, getting more comfortable in his seat and pulling out his ID, handing it to the officer who was presumably named Washington going by his badge. The officer sighed, handing Alex back his card after figuring out it was fake.

"Alright, Hot Shot Hamilton, out of the car and face the door." Washington pinched his nose in frustration, having heard all about the plans Alexander was planning since he decided on calling the police just to make it a little more fun. They would try and convince him to stop, take a deep breath, blah blah. But Alex would press the detonator button anyway, and watch the building behind him explode into oblivion.

Alexander unlocked his car door and opened it, stepping out and slamming his door. He gave the officer a seductive smirk and wink as he pressed his chest against the car, his back slightly arched so his ass stuck out, his hands above his head on the roof of the car. "Cuff me, officer." Alex cooed, biting his lip and wiggling his ass slightly. Washington just rolled his eyes and walked up behind Alex, pinning him down against the car so he could cuff him, though Alexander had different plans. He lifted his head a little and began rolling his hips back and forth against Washington's crotch, slipping his hands away from his grasp and lifting them up to wrap around Washington's neck. He didn't seem amused, but Alex could feel his hard-on.

"What? You've never fucked a criminal before?" He slurred slightly, pushing his back up against the framed chest. Washington grabbed onto the back of Alex's neck and slammed it down against his car, somehow making him release a loud feminine moan. "Ooh, fuck. I don't know if you've done this before or if that was on accident, but fuck, that felt good." Alex panted, kneading his hands into the side of his warm car.

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