Lafilton: Sweet Blood ⚠️

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"Christ, Alex, where the hell are you?" Lafayette snapped, his soft voice echoing through his ears as he travelled down the cold, dark concrete sidewalk. His shoes clapped against the stone, leaving a trail of sounds to let him know which streets were dead ends and which weren't. He had been searching for his friend, Alexander, for twenty minutes now. Due to the horrible wifi on the streets, there was no way to communicate times or places to hang out. Usually, Alexander would show up at 9:00PM sharp, when it was pitch black outside and the stars gleamed through the night sky. He refused to go out in the sun, his excuse being that it distracted him from his work.

It was currently 9:45. Lafayette had waited until about 9:25 to realize maybe Alexander wasn't coming after all. He had begun to worry that his friend encountered a criminal on the way, as it was the only probable reason he wouldn't show up. Alexander adored and cowered over Lafayette, who was slightly taller and more muscular than the brunette. Though, he still enjoyed hanging out with the curly haired man at night, walking among the park grass as the owls hooted. But tonight, on this full moon dusk, Alexander hadn't been seen at all.

"Where the hell could he be?" The curly haired man muttered, making his way out to the grassy park grounds, where a heavy scent filled Lafayette's nose. He had an incredible sense of smell, raising his head. "What in the.."

A rotten, metallic scent filled the air, lingering around a figure in the grass. It smelled almost like death. But not entirely. Lafayette bent down, creeping towards the mysterious figure. Fog flew about the grass around Lafayette's feet as they padded through the soft earth.

"Alexander?" Lafayette asked, in hopes that it wasn't his buddy. This was overly creepy, and probably a prank he decided to pull once more. He hoped he wouldn't answer, as he may not ever hear his voice again. This figure looked so cold and dead, trembling amongst the green shavings of the plant.

The body lifted its head, a darkened face searching for the voice. A devilish growl emitted from it, startling Lafayette so much that he fell back on his feet. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself, standing up straight and pulling out a small pocket knife. "Show yourself!" He shouted, with no answer.

Lafayette felt his anger rise once the human turned its head away. He raised his voice, aiming the knife at the figure. "I said show yourself!" He snarled. Once again, the figure looked over at Lafayette. The Frenchman raised an eyebrow. Clearly, this "enemy" was too weak to move. Hardly even a threat, even if it is a bad guy.

Lafayette slowly put his knife away, crouching down on one knee, a hand placed down in the dirt. "Who are you? What is this smell, is it you? Or is it just a bad omen tonight?" He questioned, again with no answer. Lafayette could hear the shallow, brittle breaths the figure was taking in, when a mere cough sent him down onto the ground fully once more. The curly haired man carefully moved forward, the fog dissipating as he drew nearer to his target.

The cold, shaky breaths were getting worse, like a brown leaf in the dead of winter, crumbling at the slightest wind blowing it. Finally, Lafayette drew up the courage to turn over the body, onto its back presumably. "Holy shit!"

There lay Alexander, face almost grey from exhaustion, moon shining against his face. His eyes were bloodshot, pupils dilated to seem elliptical; almost snake-eyed. His body, though still masculine and muscular, was skinny, his ribs showing their deadly curves through his torso.

"Alexander! What the hell happened to you?" Lafayette asked in shock, picking up his friend in his arms. Alexander's body was practically limp. He dipped his head down and sniffed at Lafayette's neck, opening his mouth slightly in attempts to get one small bite. Just a bite, a small drop of blood to suffice his starvation. But Lafayette pulled him up to his face instead, looking Alexander in the eyes.

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