Jamilton: Rain 🥀

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Thomas trotted about his neighborhood, wearing a tank top and exercise shorts. He panted softly, the music in his ears covering it up to his own hearing. His feet stomped with each step he took, a small device beeping in his ear each time, counting his steps. The clouds gently brushed past each other as they began to form into larger, darker ones. Next thing Thomas knew, he was jogging in the light sprinkle, a distant thunderboom from afar bursting the sound barrier.

"Oh no.." Thomas whispered, pausing his exercise under a tree to pull his phone out. He waited a couple minutes, catching his breath while doing so. Then, a loud brring came from Thomas' phone. He opened it up.

Alex: it's happening again

Thomas: I'm on my way.

Thomas slipped his phone back into his pocket and started up a run, flying past bushes, trees and lampposts in the dark, wet atmosphere. He didn't live too far from Alexander, and he needed to finish his exercise anyway.

He turned a few corners, ran down a couple blocks, then stopped at a door. He knocked loudly on the door, attempting to peer through windows. No answer. Thomas slowly grabbed the doorknob and the door clicked open. "This man will never learn to lock his door, will he?" Thomas sighs, heading into the home and shutting the door.

"Alexander? Where are you?" Thomas called out, walking about the home. A loud boom of thunder erupted, followed by a cry from the hallway. Thomas bolted down the hallway, into the bedroom where Alex lay against his bed, curled up to the extremity. Thomas walked over and grabbed his stuffed comfort animal, setting it beside Alex and sitting in front of him. "Alex? I'm here, Alex, I'm here."

Alexander lifted his head, eyes watery and a red puffy, a gross amount of snot and tears all over his face. "T-tommy.. I-I'm scared.." He mumbled, claws digging into his bare skin since he had been in pajama shorts.

"I know, I know. Here, what's this?" Thomas grabbed the stuffed animal, holding it up to Alex's face. Alexander's lip quivered, reaching out to grab it. "M-Moomoo.." He whimpered, cuddling the stuffed animal and stroking its fur.

"Good job. Now, what animal is Moomoo?" Thomas asked, carefully brushing the hair out of Alexander's face. "H-he's a cow.."

"Okay. What colors are Moomoo's hair?"

"He-he's w-white.. With black spots.. One i-is shaped like a hoof.. On his e-ear." Alex lifted Moomoo up, pointing to his right ear. Thomas nodded with a smile. "Good, good. Hold Moomoo for me and I'll be back with some juice." Thomas stood up, making his way back down the hall and pouring Alexander a cup of apple juice. He walked back into the bedroom and smiled at Alex, who was nuzzling and rubbing his face into Moomoo's fur.

"Hey.. Got you some apple juice." Thomas sits down beside Alexander and hands the cup to him, watching him chug half the cup and swallow with satisfaction. He hands the cup back to Thomas, who set it down on the nightstand. One loud boom of thunder, and Alexander bursts into the same disheveled part of him he once was. Thomas launched forward, taking Alexander in his arms and holding him tight as he screamed and cried in fear, kicking his legs. "It's okay, Alexander. I'm here."

Alexander whimpered loudly, clawing at Thomas' shirt and gripping him tightly. Thomas ignored the pain coursing through his chest, rubbing Alex's back. "You're okay, Alexander. Okay?" Thomas leaned down, nuzzling the side of Alex's cheek and humming a soft song. He rocked the both of them, back and forth, back and forth, rubbing his back, kissing his cheek and caramel hair.

Soon enough, Alexander had calmed down once more, Thomas humming into his ear consistently, making sure he couldn't hear the thunder still booming in the background. The TV was turned on, a loud sitcom playing in the background. Thomas ran his hands through Alexander's smooth hair, kissing the top of his head repeatedly. "Good job. See? You're okay now." Alexander nodded in agreement, slinking his legs across Thomas's waist. "Okay.."

Thomas smiled, picking up Alexander's head and kissing his lips softly. He responded with a red face and a small half smile, kissing him back until they both pulled away, climbing onto the bed. They cuddled under the covers and quietly watched the show.

{Word Count: 738}

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