Jeffmads: Drunken Love 🔥

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It was already nearly midnight, and Thomas's residence was filled to the brink with drunken people, all dancing and joking with their friends as music on loud speakers boomed into their ears. Thomas had won the election of 2021, and he'd decided the best way to celebrate was to host a party and invite strangers on the street into his home.

Of course, he'd invited several of his friends as well, even Alexander, since he basically got Thomas the winning vote.

Overall, the party was a raging success, beer, vodka, wine, any alcoholic beverage you could think of was being served to everyone, no limits. And after a short while, Nearly everyone was drunk. Thomas had already made out with a few of the men at the party, but there was one specific male he had his eye on.

Thomas stood up from a large man's lap and drunkenly swayed his way over to the one and only, James Madison, who was also drunk but able to keep himself contained. Thomas wrapped his arms around James's waist from behind and slowly swayed them back and forth. The darker male glanced up at the alcohol smelling man with a smile, his face tinted a slight red. "Well look at what we have here, is Tommy making a move on me?" Thomas simply grinned.

"Mmmaybe." Thomas laid his head against the smaller males shoulder and lightly pecked his cheek, watching as it turned red to his touch. James placed his arms against the arms that were around his waist and leaned his head back a little, listening to the beat of the music and rolling his hips around against the Southern males crotch to it. Thomas unraveled his arms from him and gently slid his hands down to his thighs, pushing their bodies together and biting his lip. "Ahh, You'd make an amazing stripper." James blushed playfully and slightly bent over, closing his eyes and grinning as he felt two hands grip his waist, gently thrusting against his clothed ass as they danced to the sensual music.

Their sinful dancing was interrupted by a self-absorbed, confident sounding voice. Thomas immediately knew who it was, going by the way his voice was slightly higher pitched than his own, and it spoke with a bold fortitude. Alexander Hamilton.

The only thing Thomas actually likes him for is because he became president because of his action. Due to Aaron Burr's lack of beliefs, Alexander had to vote for him for the sake of the country. In any other aspect, he despised Hamilton. With his short, always messy hair piled up in what looked like a nest on top of his head, those little library glasses he wore against his common unoriginal colored eyes. Everything about him was terrible.

"Why don't you just fuck the dude already, Tommy? Everyone here knows you've had a thing for him since you came back from France." Thomas's face flushed red and he pulled away from James, standing in front of him with his hands behind his back holding onto the other pair of hands. Hamilton practically sneered at them with a rude cackle, looking Thomas up and down. "I'd let you fuck me, if you could even get close to me."

Thomas snarled at his remark. Ever since Washington, president of the company the three worked in hired Alexander, he'd become the most popular writer around. He was Washington's second, who was constantly around him, writing essays and bringing him everything he needed. If their ages weren't so spread out, Thomas would've thought they'd been secretly fucking in the office he'd see Alexander go into everyday after Washington's lead.

That's when James stepped in. He released his grip on the Virginians hands and slipped out from behind him, raising the side of his lip and clenching his fists, nodding his head to the side for Alexander to leave. "Get outta here, bastard." Alex simply crossed his arms and leaned back exuberantly, childishly sticking his tongue out towards the Irish man. James entirely lost his cool, pulling back a clenched fist and ramming it into Alexander's jaw, causing him to stumble back onto the floor. Thomas was in utter shock, as James had always been the shy one, afraid of confrontation.

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