Jeffmads: Sniffly Cuddles ❤️

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"Give me two seconds, James. I'm literally pulling in the driveway-"

"One, two! Now get in here!" James whined over the phone, sniffling harshly. His husband, Thomas, had gone out to buy his favorite kind of soup when he got sick a few days ago. What was supposed to be a quick five minutes trip to the store turned into an hour long talk about all the foods James remembered they needed. Nevertheless, Thomas pulled up into their small driveway and parked the car, hopping out of his seat and grabbing the few bags of groceries. He kicked the door shut and heard the familiar click click of the locks turning on the doors.

Thomas set the bags down on the porch and unlocked the door, re-grabbing the grocery bags and heading inside. He set the bags all on the counter and headed over to his husband, who was sprawled out on the floor shirtless in attempts to cool down his fever. "James, get up.. I got you the soup. And the milk, the eggs, butter, Club crackers, saltines, ramen, gatorades, and the random craving for red velvet cake."

James whimpered and sat up, wrapping his arms around Thomas and sniffling. "I'm sick." He whimpered, climbing on top of the male. Thomas rolled his eyes and picked up his husband, walking him over to the counter and sitting him up on it. "Yeah, I know. That's why I bought all this for you." He said, grabbing the items out of the bags and starting to put them away. When he got to the last item, the cake, it was nowhere to be found on the counter.

"Wait. Where's the cake? Did I forget it in the car?" He asked, searching around for a moment before turning around to look at James. There he was, dipping his pinky into the frosting on the bottom of the cake. Thomas scoffed, yanking the cake away from James. "You're sick." He huffed and closed the cake up, setting it in the fridge. He ignored James' whining in the background as he grabbed the can of soup.

"I'll make you this soup and we can just watch a movie." Thomas sighed, popping open the can and dumping the noodle soup into a bowl. He popped it in the microwave with a paper towel over it and pressed the 2 minute button, leaning against the counter. James sniffled and whined. "My stomach hurts.." He whimpered, hugging his stomach loosely.

"I'll get you some medicine, but you have to eat before you take it. Taking medicine on an empty stomach doesn't make it work as well." James sighed and squirmed around, wiping his snotty nose. Thomas rolled his eyes and huffed, picking James up and carrying him to the couch. He laid him down and draped a blanket over his shoulders when the microwave beeped. He rushed over and took the soup out, grabbing a silver spoon and propping it into the delicious smelling soup. "Okay, eat up." He said as he walked over and set the bowl of soup down on the coffee table in front of James. He sat beside him and grabbed the remote, listening to him slurp at the broth as he clicked to Disney+. He ended up putting on Mulan.

James scooted down onto the floor and huddled up against the couch side, picking up the bowl that had the remains of his soup in it and drinking it quickly. He smiled as the warmth filled his body and looked up at Thomas with a smile. Thomas glanced down at his husband and smiled, grabbing under his arms and pulling him up onto the couch. "Cuddle me.." James whimpered.

"I'm working on it." He laughed, setting James on his side and laying down beside him. James smiled and pushed his arms to his chest, Thomas wrapping his arms around him. "If you cough on me, I'm going to cry."

James giggled, burying his face into Thomas' neck and smiling. "Thank you for taking care of me.." He blushed, kissing his cheek. "Anytime." Thomas smiled.

Sooner or later, Thomas had fallen fast asleep in James' arms. James was just sitting, resting in his husband's embrace. Suddenly, he let out the loudest sneeze, waking Thomas up and watching him tumble off the couch. He lifted his head, looking around in confusion. "What? What happened?" He slowly woke up more, realizing what had happened before James could reply. "Oh, you're so rude!" He groaned, wiping his eyes. James snickered. "Bless me."

{Word Count: 756}

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