Chapter 14: I Love You (Final)

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I would suggest you to hear this song below while reading this chapter. The name of the song is "You Can be King Again".

Btw this chapter is a bit too long so i hope y'all don't mind.

Miwa burst into the hospital room without warning and headed straight for Kageyama. 

She was wearing a frilly dress and not in her usual work-out attire.

"Can i borrow Tobio for a minute please?" she whispered to Hinata and he nodded.

"What do you want again?" He asked in an annoyed tone after his sister had dragged him outside.

"Listen I know that this is the last day for Hinata but half an hour won't really hurt right?" She said in her bossy manner.

"It will." He snapped back.

"This will probably be the last time we are going to see our parents. At least give them a proper goodbye. Please for my sake Tobio." she pleaded.

"If you keep me there for a second more than half an hour, I will kill you." He threatened giving his sister a glare.

He explained to Hinata about his parents leaving and him having to visit them.

He didn't mind at all and just smiled.

The afternoon sun glittered against Kageyama's pale skin. He couldn't remember the last time he properly ate or slept and it had taken a toll on his body.

 Kageyama hadn't come to visit his parents in roughly 3 years.

He rang the doorbell and his mom opened the door and welcoming both of them.

Their dad was sitting on the table and the house was bare since they were going to leave soon.

But they had arranged food so that the whole family could eat together again.

At first the meal went fairly well and when Kageyama was about to leave, his sister motioned him to sit down since it had only been about 20 minutes.

"So Tobio, you didn't tell us about your soulmate. Is she pretty?" his dad asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

His mind went blank and he could feel pure rage bubble up inside of him.

Slamming his hands on the table Kageyama stood up "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!??"

In addition to being homophobic, his dad also assumed Kageyama's soulmate was a female.

Suddenly his phone rang.

Kageyama: Is this Shoyo?

Shoyo: No it's me Natsu, Shoyo is in a critical condition and we need you here.

Kageyama: Give me two minutes I'll be there.

Natsu's tone itself suggested something terrifying.

He quickly gave Miwa a hug and waved a hasty goodbye to his parents and dashed out the door.

As soon as he reached the hospital, he sprinted through the hallways snaking around him locating his soulmate's room and hurrying in.

Swinging the door open he saw Hinata lying on the hospital bed fast asleep.

He was still there breathing.

Way Back Home // KageHinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon