Chapter 2: Soulmates

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"Who is your soulmate, Hinata?"

The shorter boy was a bit surprised at this question hesitating once but answered nervously.

"Well, my soulmate is someone who i really like a lot but I'm not sure if this person likes me back the way i like them so....."

"I can keep a secret about you having a crush on your soulmate." Kageyama said wiggling his eyebrows, wearing his signature creepy grin and slapping the back of Hinata's head in a playful way.

"K-kageyama-kun did you get possessed by a murderous spirit again?" The boy asked rubbing the back of his head earning a glare from his setter.

"Well, this is where we part, Bakageyama." Hinata said dashing as fast as he could in the opposite direction.

The taller boy could hear him chuckling in self satisfaction.


With that they parted and the setter slowly headed home.

Sleeping had never been easy for Kageyama and since tomorrow was the prelims for the Nationals, it was way harder.

In his second year, they lost to Date Tech in a humiliating match and couldn't even win a set against them.

Karasuno had to take that back and win against them.

In order to do that they would need the best efforts from the starting line-up and also the back-ups.

The whole team was very fit but there was something very off about Hinata.

Recently he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and he seemed to need rest more frequently than usual and was out of breath most of the time.

His skin had also gone very pale along with losing a couple of pounds.

Why was he getting so worked up about nothing?

Hinata was fine.

Maybe anxiety had got to him and he was gonna be fine in a few days' time. Or maybe that idiot was just not taking care of himself.

He thought maybe Hinata had learned his lesson from the Kamomedai match back in their first year but his health now contradicted it.

Kageyama also had another problem with his spiker.

He was his friend and a great partner in game but that didn't explain getting flustered over skin contact with him. Some people even said he was softer with Hinata than with the rest of the team.

It was true that he was more intimate with Hinata than the rest of the team but...

He decided not to fuss too much over this because he needed to get some sleep before cramming two matches for tomorrow.


Everything was black

There was sand squishing under his feet.

He was at some sort of a beach with salty water foaming on the shore.

The serene sound of waves had always calmed Kageyama but not this time.

He looked around but he didn't find anything except specks of sand glinting in the moonlight but when payed close attention he could see a figure standing at a distance.

Kageyama could recognize those curly orange locks from a mile away.

Hinata was wading further and further away into the ocean and away from him when Kageayama realized something.

If he was going to go any further he was going to  drown.

Before Kageyama knew it, he himself was sprinting towards the water to where the smaller boy was.

When he reached the water, he swam like he had never swum before.

He knew he couldn't make it in time and when he looks up he saw a gruesome sight waiting for him.

He was paralyzed stiff to the point he no longer thought he could move or even speak.

Hinata's body was floating in the ocean his eyes and his eyes had no life left in them, and his whole body was limp.

Kageyama had never felt so helpless in his entire life, his head throbbing, his knees felt like thin strands of jell-o and it felt like someone was clawing at his chest.


Jumping out of the bed startled was not a thing Kageyama usually did especially in the middle of the night sweating like crazy.

No wait the sun was rising so maybe it was not the middle of night after all.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself but nothing could remove the grim sight from his head.

His heart went ba-dump ba-dump in his chest practically breaking his ribs

It was 5:47 AM so there was no use of going back to sleep as his alarm was going to go off in approximately 10 minutes.

Kicking away his blanket, he wondered why he had such a horrifying dream which managed to wake him up startled and covered in cold and stinky sweat.

He needed a shower desperately so he got up and after wearing his favourite pair of blue flip-flops, he stumbled into the washroom and continued with his morning routine.

Arriving at school he sees Hinata eyeing him oddly.

"Kageyama, your hair is sticking out at odd angles just like Kuroo" Hinata announced loudly.

There was no bags under his eyes which meant he slept well but he almost looked sick in a way Kageyama could not describe.

This comment had Kageyama see red. He reached out to grab Hinata by the hair but the little prick dodged it like it was nothing.

After several thousand failed tries and a few salty remarks from Tsukki, he finally gave up.

Not because that bastard was too damn fast but because it was time to go to the Sendai City Gymnasium for their prelims.

"By the way, Kageyama have you heard about the trip?"

"What trip?"

DoEsN't ThIs FaNfIc LoOk ToTaLy FlUfFy AnD sWeEt?

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