Chapter 8: Dancing In The Rain

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"Give me your hand"

The rain went pitter-patter on the ground forming a steady beat. Kageyama saw this only in romantic movies but he always wanted to try it out. It might be a bit cliché but he didn't care. 

He just wanted to make Hinata giggle.

"If you are going to dance then stop being so awkward." Hinata smiled folding his fingers around his soulmate's big hands.

Kageyama froze as Hinata pulled him close to himself their bodies pressed against each other.

Without a warning, Hinata started tickling him.

"S-S-STOP H-HINATA BOK-KE" He said laughing like a madman.

He almost slipped and as suddenly as Hinata started, he stopped tickling Kageyama.

"At least now you are relaxed." He said.

The setter put Hinata's head on his chest and slowly moved to the beat of the rain.

His heartbeat had quickened and now Hinata knew how nervous he felt.

"I'm sorry about saying those things about you during the drive."

The smaller one stayed quiet letting the other one continue.

"You are actually amazing. Everything about you is amazing. You always know how to cheer me up if I'm not feeling great. You are always with me when no one was there and when everyone left me, you came and filled my life with sunshine and sparkles. You really are my soulmate and I don't have any doubt about it. I don't think I deserve someone like you......" Kageyama couldn't actually finish his sentence and looked away.

".....No one makes me feel more whole than you Kageyama, i don't want anyone else and i won't pick anyone else over you. I noticed that you were down the other day. You thought i forgot about your birthday? I would never do that."

"Thank you, Hinata." He smiled "Even if the world stands against us, together, we are invincible."

Hinata's sparkling hazel eyes met those dazzling royal-blue eyes.

Hinata reached up and kissed Kageyama's cheek. "Follow me"

Both of the boys were now totally drenched in water.

He didn't mean to stare but couldn't stop himself from gaping at Hinata's tiny waist. How could a waist as small as that be so muscular?  Volleyball players are supposed to be muscular but it seemed that Hinata also worked out.

"Drooling huh?" He said smirking following Kageyama's gaze.

He took out a badly wrapped box from the back of the car.

"This is what happens when you try wrapping something, Hinata but i don't mind." He said offering a smile. "We should get in and get changed."

After changing into fresh clothes, they both cuddled against each other as Kageyama struggled to open it.

After about what seemed like a few hours, he finally opened it and it was a-


"You know exactly what i like." He said almost crying.

No one had ever gifted him something that meant so much to him. And plus it was from the person he loved the most.

"I love it" he said a teardrop appearing on the corner of his eye which he wiped it away as quickly as possible.

"You are welcome." Hinata said snuggling into Kageyama's chest.

There was a pause and then Kageyama wanted to be sure about a few things."Hinata what are we?"

"Who cares abut what we are? I like you and you like me. We are soulmates and we are meant to be together no matter what. I will be there for you through thick and thin and I will be beside you forever. A label such as heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual cannot describe us. They're just labels." he answered pleased with himself.

Kageyama buried his head into Hinata's soft and fluffy hair satisfied with his response too. The hair surprisingly smelled like strawberries though he didn't make a comment about it.

The rain had stopped and it was almost dark. There were a few drops of rain still falling but not enough to be completely drenched in it. The boys watched the rain come to a stop as the world around them grew still.

"Did you think of where we will stay at night?" he asked.

The orange haired boy looked a little taken aback. " I thought we could drive home before nightfall but its too dark."

"Awe someone is scared of the dark." The setter smirked "Well my grandma lives nearby and she would be overjoyed if we appeared."

Hinata brightened up at this slipping into the driver's seat and following Kageyama's directions to his grandma's.

The house was the same as he always remembered. His grandma had the same warm smile but Kageyama couldn't help but notice her wrinkles being more prominent than before. After having a dinner he settled down in the living room and watched Hinata asking his grandma tons of question about the baby Kageyama.

He was as energetic as ever.

Soon it was time to turn in and they were given a room to share and Kageyama's grandma even prepared an air mattress for one of them to sleep in.

But no one took the air mattress and Hinata curled up inside the blanket beside Kageyama.

After tossing and turning for about an hour Kageyama couldn't will himself to fall asleep. 

He could tell Hinata was also having trouble with sleeping.

"Hey dumbass, since we cannot sleep want to check out the treehouse me and my grandpa built in the backyard?"

"I thought you were going to call me something else after you discovered that I am your soulmate but i like it..." He smiled "...because I am your dumbass."

"My dumbass." Kageyama repeated leading the small boy who seemed to knock things over every step he took.

The backyard was not much and Grandma had let wild grass grow on it since Grandpa was not here to take care of it. But there was something special about this place to Kageyama. Towards the end of it, there was a huge tree even larger than the house. And on the tree was the place which made his childhood better than it actually was.


This was a bit hard to write for some reason.

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