Chapter 1:Serve Receives

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The ball felt very smooth in his hands.

It never felt so right in Kageyama's hands.

He would serve the ball in such a way that the runt couldn't receive it no matter how hard he tried.

He had to defeat dumbass Hinata in every aspect of volleyball.

Giving the ball an upward thrust with the palm of his hand, Kageyama readied himself to jump.

The volleyball hit the middle of his hand as it curved away from Hinata and to the far side of the court.

There was no way Hinata could receive that ball in time.

But that jumpy bastard got to the end of the court just in the nick of time redirecting the ball towards the center of the court.

"Damn it!" Kageyama muttered glaring at Hinata as he approached Kageyama with the biggest grin on his face like a child who just got a big bar if chocolate all to himself.

"See Kageyama-kun i received your serve perfectly" Hinata says jumping up and down radiating energy.

Tsukishima says one could get tired just by looking at him.

"I didn't see it, dumbass i was very absorbed on how to curve the ball when i serve" He replied looking away avoiding eye contact scratching below his nose. It was very obvious that he was lying so Hinata just laughs it off.

Kageyama would do anything to throw harsh comments at him and he would even lose to Oikawa instead of admitting Hinata's receives were good.

Kirishima came over to commentate on how great that serve was as Hinata chimed in singing his own praises.

Yamaguchi yelled "Nice serve" over the ruckus Hinata and the second-year was causing.

He still didn't get used to being a captain and with Tsukki's help he was doing just fine.

Yachi was also nodding in the corner.

The second years and the new first years congratulated him as if he had won the Olympics.

Tomorrow was the tournament and it wouldn't be alright if they stop practicing even for a second.

"Oi, dumbass come back we need to practice serve receives more" Kageyama ordered in his usual stoic manner chucking the ball at Hinata's head.

"Ow Bakageyama, that hurts" Hinata says getting into a position to receive immediately. There was one thing he didn't want to experience again and it was a furious Kageyama.

And even after the rest of the team left the duo had still been practicing.

Looking out of the window Kageyama realised that it was dark outside. They would have to rest up and get proper sleep.

He took one glance at Hinata who seemed to be wheezing. The setter hesitates to ask Hinata if something was wrong but he does it anyways.

"Is something wrong?" Kageyama asks trying to sound concerned but he sounded as commanding and stone-cold as ever.

"Are you actually worried about me Kageyama?" Hinata replies with a question giving a satisfying grin wiping sweat from his lip. "How about we do some spikes now?"

His whole frame was way more muscular than when he first started high school. His vibrant half-curls were trimmed shorter now. He grew a bit but not even close to being tall. His hazel eyes sparkled like a thousand suns whenever he smiles throwing sunbeams and rainbows at everyone he talked with. In short he was adorable. Kageyama smiles thinking about the short spiker.

Wait what? Adorable? Hinata wasn't adorable, he was a short annoying little runt. Kageyama dismisses his thoughts and wheels back towards Hinata.

"We should probably get some rest tomorrow's the spring tournament." Kageyama says nonchalantly picking up the balls and putting them back.

He didn't want to set for the shorter boy because he looked more tired and out of breath than usual so he didn't want to push Hinata too much and break him.

Hinata nodded his head picking up the balls and helping Kageyama tidy up.

After half an hour of packing away the net and brooms and other supplies they are finally able to lock the gymnasium up and head out.

His eighteenth birthday was next month and he was wondering who his soulmate will be and whether he is going to like him/her platonically or romantically.

Since he was the youngest among the third years all of them had gotten theirs.

He knew Tsukki and Yamaguchi were each other's platonic soulmate. Ever since the first time he met the pair he knew those two were made for each other and they had been long-term best friends.

Saltyshima was also kind of nice to him compared to the others. They would probably stay in touch until they were old grandpas or something.

While thinking about them Kageyama had almost forgot Hinata's presence beside him as they both walked together, Hinata dragging his cycle.

One thing bothered him.

Who was Hinata's soulmate?

He wanted to ask bur he hesitated. He had been uneasy ever since his birthday and he never changed in front of the rest of the team.

So he guessed Hinata knew who his soulmate was but he was unsure about something..?

"Hey dumbass i have a question" Kageyama said. He noticed that his tone had become a bit softer and gentler.

"What?" Hinata said looking into Kageyama's eyes noticing the sudden change in tone. His bright hazel eyes fixed on Kageyama's deep navy-blue eyes.

He was a bit startled at the sudden eye contact but he asked his question anyway.

"Who is your soulmate, Hinata?"

So I made a few new characters like Kirishima who looks like the picture below. Also i will try to update every other day.

 Also i will try to update every other day

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Langa Hasegawa (sk8 the infinity)

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