Chapter 10: Hinata Shoyo

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"Why do you have black circles under your eyes? Didn't you sleep?" Hinata asked as he fastened the seat belt and started driving.

"I'm fine." Kageyama muttered.

All he could think about was the mark on his abdomen.

The mark that had Hinata's death sentence on it.

After Hinata woke up, he pretended like nothing happened and tried to be casual.

How could he break the news to the poor boy?

Maybe the mark didn't necessarily come true all the time. Maybe it was one of those times where the dictated won't come true.

He read about it on the newspaper that a man did not die on the fateful date on which he was supposed to. So he had at least a little hope.

Hinata noticed that his soulmate's eyebrows were knitted together and that he wore a frown. He looked pale and worried and did not hide it well. He did not want to push Kageyama but he hoped that the setter would tell him what was causing him to lose his mind and his beauty sleep.

The practice went on slowly and it was very hard for Kageyama to focus on his sets which kept hitting the wall. They had to leave early in the morning the next day in order to arrive at Tokyo. The whole team including Tsukki were genuinely worried about him. They had wished Kageyama as soon as he same to practice but he didn't seem satisfied with anything. The VBC wondered if they had done something wrong but even Hinata didn't know what the matter was. Yachi made cookies for Kageyama's birthday but those were left in the corner of his bag.

After some tiring drills, the practice ended and Hinata stayed back to check on the setter.

"Can we walk to the park together?" Kageyama asked looking up.

His eyes reflected the look of anguish.


The only audible sound was the clicking sound of Hinata's bicycle as he walked beside it. The park was a short way from Karasuno's campus so they walked for 5 minutes until they reached the place. There were no kids left there since it was already dark. It was  beautiful place at night but in the day it's filled with sounds of laughter and joy.

Kageyama could do with a bit of laughter but now was not the time.

He sat himself on one of the swings and Hinata did the same.

They swung for two minutes until the spiker got impatient and started asking questions.

Without warning Kageyama got up and stopped the other boy's swing with his hands and sat himself in front of Hinata on the ground almost kneeling as if he wanted to apologize.

Hinata was bit shocked but remained silent.

The setter slowly looked up meeting Hinata's eyes and lifted his shirt a bit just to show him the mark.

Hinata was a bit fazed at first and soon realized why Kageyama looked dead inside for the whole day. His life was going to be cut short even before he graduated high school.

Kageyama didn't know how to describe Hinata's expression in words. It was too painful for words to describe. His face was all scrunched up but he couldn't cry for some reason as if he was fighting too hard to stop his tears.

The setter quickly got up and pulled Hinata into a hug.

The smaller boy grabbed on for dear life. "B-b....but i w-wanted to volleybball and go to B-b...brazil." he sobbed into Kageyama's t-shirt.

"Shh it will be okay." Kageyama reassured him giving the boy and himself false hope.

"I w-w....wanted to play in the V l-l....league and play in the national t-team. I w-wanted to g-g....graduate too." he stuttered almost not being able to pronounce words properly.

Kageyama was speechless and he didn't know what to say to comfort the other one.

Just when he was about to say something Hinata started coughing violently.

"Hinata you need to see a doctor right now and we are going to the doctor first thing in the morning." he said firmly holding his soulmate.

"W-w..what if they don't let play v-volleyb-ball?" he said pleading with his very existence his cheeks were splattered and his eyes practically filled to the brim with his tears.

He looked helpless and pathetic. Kageyama didn't want to take away the thing that gives Hinata the most happiness.

"But you have to promise to see a doctor as soon as the games are over and if you don't I will drag you to the doctor's office myself." He offered."

"Okay deal."

Kageyama held Hinata in his chest for what felt like decades and he never intended to let go ever again seeing how much this hurt him. He could barely even speak. So he drops Hinata to his home and then returns home himself. But even he did not know how Hinata felt all night alone in his room crying himself to sleep.

They arrived at Tokyo with no complications but people could tell there was some tension between the crazy duo. The matches went better than expected and before they knew it, they made it to the top 4. The team had to go against Inarizaki in the semi-finals.

Yamaguchi had strategized a lot that night in order to go to the finals. They had to make it to the finals.

And then they had to win it

The game went fairly well. They won the first set but lost the second and third one. The fourth set was taken by Karasuno so the game steered into the fifth set.

The ball felt better in his hands than usual.

They could win this.

The ball was coming his way and he was going to set it to Hinata.

Kirishima had pulled of a shaky receive so he was going to have to run over to the ball.

"Hinata!" Kageyama shouted tossing the ball to the place Hinata was supposed to jump.

Instead of the ball hitting Hinata's hand he heard a dull thud.

"HINATAA!!!" someone shouted.

He turned around to see the worst sight imaginable.

There was a splatters of blood on the floor and Hinata was coughing hard kneeling down.

"He is coughing up blood someone call the medic." Kirishima shouted almost cradling Hinata.

"No we have to take him to the doctor fast." Someone else shouted.

Everyone rushed to Hinata.

The Karasuno team members who were in the bench slowly pulled Hinata up and supported him  so that he can walk and headed outside the gym to the doctor.

Even Kenma, Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto were on there way down the spectator's gallery to check on what was wrong.

But Kageyama just stood there.

He couldn't move.

He couldn't breathe.

He needed to move.

He needed to be near Hinata.

Kageyama couldn't live without him.

I have a thing against happy endings I'm sorry.

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