Chapter 4: Senpai's Huge Home

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Tanaka was waving from afar as Noya was jumping in front of the house as if they had been waiting for the duo.

Hinata seeing his favorite senpais, sprinted with all he had and ended up stumbling on his shoe lace and falling face first to the ground.

Kageyama didn't know why but he rushed over to help Hinata who got hurt even when he was not playing volleyball.

Thank god he did not break a leg or something.

Sugawara's house was gigantic.

It could almost be called a mansion and that's how big it actually was.

"So you love-birds are still getting in trouble even in your third year." the former setter commented as he welcomed them inside his parents' house.

Glancing sideways he say the orange one's face flush red probably in embarrassment as Sugawara led them to his room.

Asahi and Daichi were already here.

Kageyama heard that after graduating Daichi had joined the police force and was now working his way up to become a high-ranked officer whereas Sugawara had gone to teach elementary school children.

Asahi had moved to Tokyo in hopes of becoming a designer and was currently studying at a college for future designers.

Nishinoya was working several jobs in order to save money in order to travel to exotic places around the world and Tanaka took up a job at the sports store.

The other two greeted them with big smiles and congratulated Hinata and Kageyama for making it to the nationals after winning against Date Tech.

Nishinoya rushed to hug Asahi as the latter gave him a grin.

The setter knew that Asahi's soulmate initials had been Y.N. He was sure that Asahi and Nishinoya were soulmates just by judging the way they look at each other.

Kageyama felt kind of jealous just by looking at the two.

Daichi on the other hand had the initials Y.M. and Sugawara had secretly told the others that it was the captain of the girl's volleyball team who turn out had the initials D.S.

The lifespan of your soulmate didn't matter much because most of the population live until they are short-tempered old people who needed a cane to walk.

The former setter's initials were still a mystery to him but Kageyama did know an M.K.

Minho Kirishima.

But he thought it was impossible because they had never met and besides Kirishima was not the type of guy for Suga.

Besides he didn't know if Suga even liked guys.

While the others were conversing, Tsukki and Yamaguchi slipped into the room having come here before.

Tanaka had been frenzied and asking for help for proposing to Kiyoko.

As the ravanette's eyes scanned the room he didn't find the orange clump of hair he was looking for.

"Where's Hinata?"

"He ran out of the room with something in his hand." Tsukki replied blatantly.

Kageyama stalked out of the room in search of his best friend and found him using an inhaler to gulp the fumes of medicine.

"Hinata are you okay?" The setter asked in a worried tone "For the last couple of days you have been looking sick, please tell me if something is wrong." 

"It's nothing Kageyama-kun don't worry, my mum thinks i have asthma so she let me borrow her spare one and it honestly helps me breathe better. Besides why are you so overly concerned about me?"

"I'm not I'm just worried about my teammate......."

Hinata seemed a little hurt by those words.

"......and my best friend." He finished and smiled at Hinata.

As we both headed back to the room Hinata murmured "You actually have a pretty smile" into Kageyama's ear making the latter blush and turn away.

Suddenly the room had gone quiet as we entered as if they had been discussing something that Hinata and Kageyama should not hear.

The breakfast was great but Yachi and Kiyoko had come midway through it.

Yachi apologized for both making Kiyoko late and for coming late herself due to her oversleeping.

They all caught up till noon and after having lunch and resting, the volleyball team was ready to head out.

The afternoon sun wasn't as scorching as it had been an hour ago and it was a pastel orange shade now.

The spot they were going to wasn't too far from Suga's house and apparently it was a clearing the third years had discovered by mistake when they had gone for bird-spotting in the woods.

Turns out each of them have to choose their partner to sleep with in the same tent.

Hinata looked a bit lost and he didn't bring his own tent so Kageyama felt like he should bunk with him. (Not that he liked him or anything-)

He seemed to brighten up instantly and all his fatigue from hiking had gone away.

He jumped up and down and it was a miracle that he didn't hit his head on the lowest branch of a nearby tree.

The whole team had been worn out once they reached the spot but Kageyama had to admit the clearing was breathtaking.

There were trees lined up at the edge of the open field almost making a circle. There we vines criss-crossing the ground which was blanketed with daffodils and dandelions. The grass was a bit taller than the ones trimmed regularly nonetheless the air smelled pure and fresh just like it did after it rained. Closing his eyes and inhaling the sweet scent, Kageyama felt like he hadn't been this refreshed in weeks.

Looking up at the sky, he saw a few birds probably returning home against the sky which looked like a tapestry made by Leonardo da Vinci.

In this fairy tale land, everything would be alright.

aWw I hOpE tHiS dOeSn'T gEt RuInEd-

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