He hardly let the servants into his room to clean

I don't know what's going on I am here to show him that he still has me and that I am his

And I will always be

The sounds of kai yelling caught my attention

"Ceasefire, ceasefire"

Above us, the sea witch was falling from a castle

Panic filled my body with the thought of what could happen to her once she hits the floor

I moved towards her but I was stopped in my tracks with the view of kai running to save her

When I looked at him I saw fear in his eyes

He was afraid

The freaking bloody prince was afraid of the sea witch getting hurt

He managed to catch her but he also fell under her body weight

We all ran to see if the prince was okay. I could hear the thud from where I was standing. I Ran as fast as I could to make sure he was okay.

I pushed through the soldiers one by one until I stood before him

"Prince kai are you alright" I yelled trying to examine his body under the witch

He didn't even look up at me. His eyes were focused on her you could see the worry in his eyes

"What the hell Luna why are you falling from windows" gasps could be heard throughout the crowd we hardly very see prince kai lose his cool

But what shocked us, even more, is how she responded

"I was running from your guard's kai, that's why I fell from the window"

Is she crazy that this commoner referred to the prince by his first name and she had an attitude

We all waited for the harsh response. A smile made its way to my face I waited for him to get punished but no punishment came

" so you couldn't take the stairwell or stay in my room ?"

" I am not a criminal why do I have to stay in your room kai"

" so you wouldn't have to jump out of windows" he responded matching her attitude

At this point, I am burning with rage

When did they become so close that they sat there arguing like children

The men on the other hand were shocked they quickly started to gossip about them sharing a room ignoring the fact that the woman who is literally betrothed to him is standing right there.

To add fuel to my fire she then starts to laugh in the prince's face. Her laughter caught us all off guard but we were all even more shocked to see the prince laughing out loud with her.

That smile that I thought was only reserved for me was being shared with a silly little girl from the country

" you are so annoying" he stated pushing her off of his body

They were bonding in front of everyone and they didn't even care.

By the time the prince noticed we were all here he was cut off by the sound of guards run toward us

"Get her"

From the entrance of the castle, guards came flooding out fully armed and ready to attack.

My first ladies and I all started to run back towards the castle to get away from whatever was going to happen

I watched in horror as the soldiers pulled back their bows and arrows to shoot all at once. They were all heading in the direction of the prince as well as the girl he had with

My body reacted before my brain could register that I was running towards the prince despite the storm of arrows approaching us at this very moment. My heart lifted when I was him running towards me as well.

I knew that he still cared for me

Even just a little bit because he left her to run towards me

My breath was taken away


His body rashed into mine knocking us both onto the ground

" Stay here" he whispered as he backed away from me and ran back to her

Tears slowly filled my eyes as I watched his retreating figure

Not even a second later I was surrounded by my ladies checking to see if I was alright

" oh no princess"

"Are you okay"

"Let's get out of here before it gets messy"

But my eyes never left the price as he ran towards her

I knew in my heart I needed to work fast or I would lose him forever


Sometimes I find myself feeling bad for second leads in stories.

Anywho I have five finals this week so send me all the good luck, please 

anyway, love yall!

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