“I think you are, your just too much of a man to admit it,” I teased again, his face harden he looked to my lips. I tried hard to remember what Cora told me.

“What do you want Elwin?” he asked, leaning closer again against my body, trapping me against the wall.

“Well a new broom would be nice,” I giggled, I should leave now but I could do it, Draco was just so sexy and I have fallen too deep into his grey eyes. He got annoyed by my comment.

“You know what I want,” he said, it wasn’t a question. A thousand different answers fluttered through my head but I couldn’t think of a single thing to say.

“Me,” I whispered into his ear, my lips brushing his ear lope. I could feel him shudder at my touch and I used all of my strength to pull away from him and walk away. I tried to keep it together until I was with Cora and out of the sight of Draco.

For a moment we just squealed like stupid teenagers but we eventually complied ourselves but we both couldn’t stop smiling. Kylie came and joined us saying she saw the whole thing.

“You should have seen his face after you left Rhian, he looked like he wanted to pounce on you. It was brilliant!” Kylie squealed.

“Ladies and gentlemen, here is Rhiannon Elwin, the first girl ever to play Draco Malfoy,” Cora whispered, trying to control her laughter.

“What do I do now?” I asked. I hated that I has to leave Draco; I wanted to go back to him and spend the whole night with him.

A horrifying image of me standing before a mirror and my hair starts to turn black; my face becomes rounded and fatter. I look like Pansy! I shook the thought from my mind and realised that Cora had been talking.

“What?” I asked shouting over the music.

“I said Draco is coming over here!” she shouted, my heart started pounding fast against my chest as I turned to see Draco walking towards us.

“What do I do?” I stuttered quickly,”

“Just play it cool,” Kylie and Cora said together. By the time I turned around Draco was standing next to me.

“Hey,” I managed to get out, he smirked at me. Just play it cool Rhiannon, don’t do anything stupid. I was about to say something else but Draco had his lips pressed against mine. I couldn’t help but deepen the kiss; I wrapped my arms around his neck. He grabbed me by the bum and lifted me onto his hips; I didn’t protest and tighten my legs around his waist. Why was this guy so hard to pull away from? Our lips parted long enough for him to speak.

“Correct,” he mumbled, his lips brushing against my cheek.

“Correct about what?” I asked, pulling fully away from him. He still had hold of me and I was still clinging to his waist.

“You always know just what I want,” he smirked and pressed his lips harder against mine. My whole body flooded with a feeling I have only felt once, at Christmas when Draco and I….well you know.

Suddenly without warning Draco pulled away and I dropped me off his hips. I managed to keep my balance was my attention was drawn to Draco. He was staring at something and his face had been drained of all colours. I looked to see what he was looking at. He was staring at the large clock that hangs over the fireplace. I stranded my eyes to see that it read 10:43 pm. I couldn’t see how that was a problem but something was clearly bothering Draco. He ran out of the common room, I turned to look at Cora and Kylie who looked equally confused as me. I felt like I should follow him but my feet seemed to have turned too led. I looked at my friends for advice but they gave me nothing but confused looks. I finally managed to break their gaze and I ran after Draco, trying to find out what had freaked him out so much.

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