Chapter 9 - Season two

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I mede my way back to the castle. I wasn't crying anymore, and I felt guilty of that. I felt like I should be crying. My brother, the only person who was with me from the start, was sacrificing himself to save us all. But I don't know why, I couldn't seem to cry.
I went to the Great Hall again, to meet with Ron and Hermione. When they saw me, they hugged me as tightly as they could. We didn't say a word, we just stayed there, in silence.
We finally pulled away, and Ron went back to his family.
"Do you mind if I.." Hermione said in a low voice.
"Go" I said trying to hide the pain in my voice. She hugged me one las time before going back with Ron.
"Emery" Dracos voice made me turn around. I went in to hug him. He held me tightly as he played with my hair to calm me down."Where is your brother?" He asked, but I ignored the question. Suddenly, I felt and agonizing pain in my chest, making me fall into the ground. My breath started to shorten and I started to have another panick attack.
"What is it? What's wrong" Draco asked worried. I looked up at him and a lump in my throat started forming, not letting me talk.
"What happened to her?" Ron said running towards Draco and I. Hermione followed him.
"I don't know. She just collapsed on the floor" Draco said quickly.
"Okay, Emery, look at me. Breath with me okay?"  He said kneeling besides me. I started to copy his breathing rythm until I composed myself again.
"Thank you" I whispered to Ron. He just smiled in response.
"What happened Em?" Draco asked.
"Nothing. This year I've been having panic attacks and Ron helped" I explained as I took my hand to my chest. It was still hurting, but not as bad as before.
Suddenly, everyone started going outside. I looked around confused. I wuickly got up and followed everyone.
As soon as I walked outside, I saw Voldemort with his snake by his side. Behind him all of the death eaters were walking towards the castle. Hagrid was tied up with ropes and two death eaters were helding him like he was an animal. Hehad someone in his arms, and he was crying.
"Who is that? Who is Hagrid carrying?" Ginny asked quickly, knowing the answre. "Neville, who is it?" She asked Neville, who was right in front of her.
"Hary Potter is dead" Voldemort yelled loudly and crlearly.
"No!" I screamed and tried to run towards him, but Draco held my arm and stopped me. He hugged me, not letting me move. I burried my head in his chest and sobbed.
"You stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort said, now in a lower voice. "From this day forth, you put your faith in me"
I looked over at Ron and Hermione, and they were panting. They got closer to Draco and I and Mione grabbed my hand. Tears started running through her cheeks. Ron was in shook. He couldn't move a muscle.
Voldemort walked towards the death eaters exited and opened his arms.
"Harry Potter is dead" He exclaimed, and all of the death eaters laughed. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come foward and join us, or die" He said with his arms open. Draco stopped hugging me. He saw his pearents in Voldemort's crowd and they were staring at him. Everyone stayed silent for a secon as Voldemort waited for someone to go to his side.
"Draco" Lucius voice echoed in the room. He stared at is father with pure anger in his eyes. "Draco" Lucius repeated. He looked over at me and then back at his pearent.
"Don't do it" I whispered. "Please"
He was very hesitant, like he was actually considering crossing the room to go with Voldemort. This eas why he was apologizing. He's leaving me again.
"Draco" His mother said, trying to convince him. "Come"
"I'm sorry" Draco said almost in a whisper.
"No" I said with tears running down my cheekd. "My brother already left me. Not you too. Not again" I cried.
"I love you" He said before walking towards his mother.
Everything was silent. I felt my legs become weaker. I kneeled to the ground because I didn't have the srenght to be up. I cried silently as the boy this I was in love with left me once again.

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