Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up with a lot of energy. It was monday, ao I put on my uniform and went to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. Draco and I were a few seats away, and occasionally, we would look at eachother and smile. Every time he looked at me, I felt something strange.
Suddenly, it hit me. I need to tell Harry. If not, Hagrid will and things will not end up good. I needed to talk to Draco first. After breakfast, I took him away from everyone.
"What's wrong? Do you want to continued what you stoped last night?" He asked with a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes.
"I need to talk to Harry about this" I said pointing at us.
"Oh god, he'a going to kill me" He said.
"I know" I said worried.
"Don't worry. He probably won't react as bad as you are imagining" He said to calm me down.
"You are right" I said stress. He gave me a small kiss and hen left.

After lunch Harry and I had a free period, so I decided to gi to them. Things were kind of awkward because I hadn't talkrd to him since the Yule Ball.
"Hey Harry, can I talk to you?" I said nervously.
"If this is about the Yule Ball, Ron is trying to apologize to Hermione" He said.
"No, it's not about that" I said sitting next to him.
"Well, what is it then?" He asked.
"Look, I'm going to tell you something. You are not going to like it. But you have to promise me that you won't have a reaction. You are going to listen and you are going to let me explain before you do something crazy" I started.
"Emery, what is it?" He asked.
"So, I might have kissed Draco last night" I said quietly.
"YOU DID WHAT?" He stood up.
"Listen to me. You promised" I said. "We kissed. We didn't do anything else. But I like him. And you will have to deal with that" I said.
"What are you a cuple now?" He asked angrily.
"No. I don't know" I said. "But please, don't do anything to him. He didn't do something wrong" I said.
"Too late" He said standing up.
"Harry wait" I ran after him. He walked towards Draco, who was with a cuple of friends. He took out his wand and pointed towards him.
"Why my sister?" He asked angrily.
"Harry stop" I said.
"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong" Draco defended himself.
"Bullshit. You don't like her. You are using her" He said getting closer to him.
"Harry stop" I said taking out my wand.
"Emery stay out of this" The two boys said in sync. When Harry heard Draco, he casted a spell.
"Harry stop" I said. I grabed him by the arm to stop hkm, but he casted another spell, making Draco fall into the floor.
"I don't want to fight you Potter" He said standing up, but Harry casted another spell.
"Enaugh" I said. I runned towards Draco and helped him stand up. "You promised" I said to Harry before walking away with Draco.

We got to the common room and I sat draco down in one of the couches.
"I'm sorry" I said sitting next to him.
"It's fine" He said. He put his arm around me and broght me closer to him.
"It's just unfair. He doesn't listen" I said mad.
"I know" Draco conforted me.
"This is all my fault" I said looking at him. He interrupted me with a kiss. He brought me closer to him until I was on top of him. He layed on his back. We started making up for a few minuted before being interrupted.
"And since when this has been going on?" Pansy said in an annoying tone.
Dracoand I sat back down, looked at eachother and then back at her.
"Ugh, you know what? I don't care. I didn't like you anyways Malfoy" She said bedore walking away. Draco just looked at me and we both bursed into laughter.

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