Chapter 22

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Monday came by and the first class of the day was Potions. Draco was already out of bed, and he could attend to class, so thag ment he was going to be there.
"Emery, are you ready to go?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah, let's go" I said fixing my tie.
We walked to the potions classroom. We were one of the few first. We were sitting at the front of the class. Around 20 minutes later, the class was filled. He was here, and I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. He sat down in the table next to mine.
"Hello class. So today we will do a bit of a different class" Slughorn said as he entered the class. He placed three little bowls in his desk and turned to us.
"I prepared some coctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" Professor Slughorn said looking around class. Hermion's hand went up, as usual, but Slughorn ignored it.
"Emery Potter" he said looking at me. He must have noticed that I was zoned out.
"Sorry?" I asked coming back to reality.
"Do you have any idea of what these might be?" He repeated the question as he pointed at the table with the potions.
"No sir" I said quietly. Hermione raised her hand even higher, letting him know that she knew the answre.
"Ms Granger?" He said looking at my friend. Hermione took a step closer to the containers.
"That one is Veritaserum" She started saying pointing at the first container. Suddenly, her voice started fading as I felt Draco besides me. We haven't been in the same room together since he told me he loved me. I noticed that he had a pice of parchment in his hand, and he was staring at it without blinking.
"And that one is Amortenia" Hermione's voice came back. "The mosg powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person, acording to what attracts them" She finished explaining.
"Very good Ms Granger" He said as she went back to her seat.
"Amortenia dosn't create real love. But it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. Now, who wants to come gere and say what they smell?" He said. A few hands raised, but he didn't choose anyone. He continues to look around.
"Ms Potter, again" He said smiling.
"No thank you professor" I said.
"I didn't ask you. Come here and do it" He insisted. I looked at him before taking a step closer to the potion. I stood there on front of it and I started to smell. I closed my eyes at the plesent air coming inside my nose.
"What do you smell, Ms Potter?" Slughorn asked.
"I smell peppermint" I started saying nervouly. "Green apple and... expensive cologne" I said.
Everything was silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but only one pair ghat I really cared about. The silver-blue eyes that used to stare at me all the time. They were so familiar and calming.
I got back to my seat in silence. When I sat down, Hermione placed her hand in mine, conforting me.
"Very good, who's next? Slughorn asked. Everyone started to say what they smelled, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Draco dropping the pice of parchment he was looking ag earlier. When it hit the floor, I could see that it was the drawing I did to him one night at the common room. I started to panick and got upz
"Professor, may I be excused? I'm not feeling well" I said quickly.
"You may, Ms Potter" He said. As soon as those words left his mouth, I ran out of there. I went directly to the Astronomy tower and my breath started to shorten. I took off my tie and unbuttoned my shirt a little bit because I was starting to feel sofocated. Suddenly, I heard steps behinf me. I turned around, hoping it was Draco behind me, but it was Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Hey, come here" Harry said taking meninto his arms. I hugged him and the other two joined.

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