Chapter 12

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The next morning I waited Draco in Hagrid's house. After ten minutes of waiting, he came.
"I thought you diched me" I said sarcastically.
"Sorry, I had to take care of some stuff" He said awkwardly.
"Let's get into this" I said after a few minutes of silence.
"Yeah" He said taking out his wand.
"Did you think about more happy thoughts?" I asked, standing next to him.
"I did. I think I have the one" He said.
"Perfect. Now, remember what we've been practicing and whenever you are ready, start" I said. I took a few steps away. He looked in front of him. He was really concentrated. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes. He pointed his wand up in the air and said very clearly "Expecto Patronum".
A light blue fog started to appear from Draco's wand. It started to become more and more intense by the second. A big srake started froming.
"Draco!" I exclaimed exited. "Look!". He opened his eyes and when he saw the big snake, the most pure smile appeard on his face. He was looking at it amazed. He turnes his head to look at me and I jumped into his arms. My impulse made both of us end up on the floor. I landed on top of him. We stared at eachoters eyes, and his look made me feel butterflies in my stomach. We looked at eachother and suddenly our smiles faded away. We were looking at eachother like never before. Everything around us started to disappear. It was just the two of us in the world. Nothing more. Suddenly, he broke the little space between us with a kiss. It was a small, gentle kiss, but still filled with passion. A million loving thoughts condensed into this moment. In this moment, we were both fully ourselves, our pure and vulnerable selves.
"What is going on here?" Hagrid made us both jump back into reality. I quickly stood up.
"Hargrid! I didn't know you were here" I said nervously. Draco started to slowly get up behind me.
"You told me nothing was going on between you two" He exclaimed.
"Trust me. Nothing is going on. It was just a moment. Nothing else" I said. "Please don't tell my brother" I begged him.
"No I won't. You will Emery" He said.
"Fine, I'll tell him" I said before walking away. Draco followed me.
"Let's just pretend that it didn't happened" I said as we climbed the little path to the castke.
"Agreed" He said.
"So, friends?" I asked extending my hand.
"Friends" He said shaking it.
"Hey, you casted the patronus! How do you feel?" I asked him exited.
"Honestly, amazing. Thank you Emery. This is all because of you" He hugged me. I hugged him back.
"Thank you for trusting me" After I said those words, he let go of me. "We should celebrate!" I said.
"Sure, what do you want to do?" He asked.
"Let's meet in the astronomy tower at sunset. And wear a suit" I said running away.
"What are you planning?" He yelles while laughing.
"You'll see" I yelled back.

I went directly to my dorm. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to the makeup startion. I tried my best to make it look good. Then I styled my hair. I put on a silver sparkly dress and walked quietly to the astronomy tower. When I got there, Draco was witing for me in a black suit. His hair was pushed back, as usual and I could smell his strong cologne form afar. I walked nervously to the room and, as soon as he saw me, his expression changed completly. His eyes become more open and wilder as I walked towards him. He looked at me up and down and, when he reached my face, he gave me a beautiful smile.
"You look amazing" He said in a quiet voice.
"You do too" I said calmly. A beautiful slow song sterted playing at the background and our eyes met. He walked colser to me and grabbed me by the waist. I put my arms in his shoulders and our body's started to move with the music. We didn't know what we were doing, but that didn't matter. This was perfect. All that mattered was that I had him in front of me. I rested my head in his chest and his hands started to go through my hair. I closed my eyes to feel the moment fully.
"Em" He said softly.
"Hm" I answred without opening my eyes.
"I don't think we can be friends" He said. I took my head away from his chest and looked at him confused.
"Not after that kiss" He continued. I stared at him without blinking. I was speechless. I closed my eyes and put my head back in his chest.
"I think so too" I said almost in a whisper. We suddenly stopped dancing. We were standing there holding eachother. He put his hand on my chin and lifted me face to look at his. Slowly, he started coming closer. Whthin seconds, his lips connected with mine. The kiss was soft, building into something more intense. I ran my hands through his perfect blonde hair and he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. Our lips move perfectly, as if they were made for eachother. I could feel our bodies connect. His lips kiss mine as if they were the only thing they wanted to do. I felt my body on fire. In that moment, I forgot everything. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't control myself. I just let myself go as the kiss grew stronger. He pushed me against the closest wall and started to explore my body. I jumped into his arms and wraped my legas around his waist. He started to move from my mouth to my neck. I continued to play with his hair and after a while he stoped to look at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked him worried.
"You're beautiful" He simply answred before conecting his lips to mine again. The kiss started to build i to something more.
"Wait" I said out of breath.
"Is everything okey?" He asked.
"We can't do this yet" I said.
"As you wish" He said, putting me down.
We went back to the common room and before going into our dorms, we shared one last kiss.

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