Chapter 23

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Thag noght, Ron, Hermione and I were in the Griffindore common room. My panick attack from earlier was gone, and I was feeling much better. We snuck some food into the common room and we were by the fire place talking.
"Hey, has anyone seen Harry?" I asked kind of worried.
"Last time I saw him it was this morning in the astronomy tower" Ron said.
"Yeah, me too. That's strange" Hermione said.
"Should we be worried?" I asked to the other two.
"I don't think so" Ron said. "Hey, let's do a dance party" he suddnely said.
"Ron, it is like three in the morning, we are going to wake up everyone" Hermione said laughing.
"So what?" Ron asked, standing up.
"I'm in" I said also standing up. I grabed Hermione by her hands and forced to join us.
"Fine" She said. Ron runned towards the eadio and put a upbeat song. The three of us started to jump around and have fun. I felt relaxed by this. I had a rough last cuple of weeks and these was really helping me. I let go and my body started moving with tbe song. Suddenly, Ron threw a pillow at me.
"Oh, no you didn't" I said smiling.
"YeS I did"He said lughing. I grabbed the pillow and we all started to do a pillow fight. Suddenly Ron grabbed Hermione and I by the hands and fell onto his back, Hermione and I following.
We all started laughing and after a while, we sat back down.
"Thag was fun" Hermione said.
"Yeah, I haven't felt like that in a long time" I said. We all stayed in silence for a minute. Suddenly, Harry came in panting.
"He's a dead eater and he just killed Dumbledore" He said out of breath.
"What?" Hermione asked.
"Who killed Dumbledore?" Ron also asked.
"And who's a death eater?" I added. Harry looked at me with sad eyes before answering.
"Draco" He said. My expression changes completly. I felt my mucles tense and everyone's voices started to fade away. My eyes started to get watery and everyones eyes were on me. I had no words. My mind was going full speed.
"Where is he now?" I asked almost in a whisper. My heart was beating really fast and my breath started to shorten. The feeling of today's morning was coming back. My body was shaking and I wasn't in control of my body.
"They are leaving" Harry said. Without thinking, I got up and walked towards the door. My friends voices talking me into not going started to slowly go away. My cheeks were wet from my tears and I was running as fast as I could. Everything felt unfamiliar and unsafe. My mind was putting thoughts in my head of all of the times I was with Draco. The good memories and the bad memories. That's why he disappeared all of the time.
"That was what he was scratching" I suddenly said, stoping my running. The memory of mewalking i to the astronomy tower to Draco crying looking at the sky. "He didn't want to tell me what was wrong. He was trying to scratch out his death eater mark" I said to myself. I started crying even harder and continued running.
As I crossed the door thag led to the giant bridge in the entranxe of the big castle, the cold wind hitted my face. The sky was dark and no one was out. Bellatrix, Snape and dome more were ahead of Draco in the bridge, he was half way. I runned towards the begging of the bridge and stopped myself before I runned to him. I wached him walk away from the school.
Before joining the rest or the death eaters, he turned around. He saw me. He started at me in a way he neved did before. I saw his eyes. His eyes that fascinated me. The ones I couldn't get enaugh of. The ones that told a different story every single time I looked at them. The ones who held all the enotion that the boy who carried them couldn't show. Those eyes that I was looking at for one last time.

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