Chapter 19

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I decided to spend the night with Hermione. I didn't say anything to her. I walked into her room and cryed in her arms. She didn't ask questions.
The next morning I woke uo reallh late. Harry, Ron and Hermione were whispering in a corner of the room.
"What's wrong?" I asked with a sleepy voice, sitting down on the bed.
"Em, is everything alright?" Hermione asked worried.
"Why do you ask?" I said defensive.
"Well, you came here sobbing and asked me to stay the night" She explained.
"I'm fine, don't worrh about it" I said. "I'm hungry, let's go eat" I said getting up. I didn't bother to change clothes.
I ate almost everything that was in fron of me.
"Emery, you are not fine. Talk to us" Ron said.
"Guys, really I'm fine" I said trying to hide my shakey voice.
"Well, Harry and I are going to get some clothes from your room. You stay here with Ron. You can stay in my dorm as long as you want" Hermione said in a calm voice. She and Harry got up and left Ron and I alone.
"Are you going to say something or are you just going to eat?" Ron asked. I started crying silently, trying to cover up my face.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm here" Ron said hugging me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't cry" I said burried my face in his chest.
"What dis Malfoy do?" He asked.
"We broke up last night. He jusg kept disappearing and not telling me anything. And then I got mad and we broke up" I explained.
"I'm so sorry Em" He said.
"Thank you for listening" I said breaking the hug. "I love you" I said to him.
"I love you too" He answred.

The night came after a never ending day. I was in Hermione's bed next to her.
"Ron told me what happened. I'm sorry" She said.
"It's fine I guess" I said with my eyes getting watery. "It's just that, everything was going so well. I was really happy with him. But he fucked everything up" I cryed.
"Em, you do not deserve this" She said. "He'a an idiot" She said.
"Yeah he is" I answred.
"Thank you for always being here" I said to her.
"I will never leave your side" She said.
After a while, we went to sleep. It was impossible for me to close my eyes, so I decided to go to Harry's bed.
"Harry" I whispered so I didn't wake up Ron.
"Em? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked worried.
"I'm fine, don't worry. I just can't sleep" I said.
"Come here" He said opening up the blankets do I could get into the bed.
"Thank you Harry" I said before closing my eyes.
"Always" He said.

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