Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up by Draco's side. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I look at the time and it we were late to class. I wake him up quickly.
"Good morning" He said in a sleepy voice.
"We are late for class. Come in, get dressed" I said covering myself with the blankets.
"Come here. Kiss me" He said pulling me closer to him.
"Draco I'm serious. We have class with Snape" I say.
"Just one. And I let you go" He said. I give him a small kiss and I get up, making a dress out of the blankets.
"Turn around" I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I need to change" I said.
"Come on. Nothing that I haven't seen before" He said with a ckocky smile.
"Draco, I'm serious" I said.
"Fine" He said before turning around. I changed as quickly as I can and I leave the blankets in the bed.
"Ready" I said. "Now it's your turn.
"I have to say, I picked a little bit" He said. I roll my eyes and I turn around. He finishes and we both head to Snape's class.
We open the door as quietly as possible and we sat down in the nearest table, next to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Hey Ron, how are you feeling?" I asked.
"Great" He said.
"Malfoy, Potter, you are late. Care to explain?" Snape said making the whole class turn to us.
"We slept in" I said. Draco giggled a little bit. Harry's jaw tensed.
"Well, don't let that happen again" He said.
"No profesor" Draco said. I looked over at Harry and he threw a death stare at Draco.
"Hey, It's fine" I said to calm him down.
"We are going to talk later" Hermione said.

Class went by pretty quickly. I couldn't pay much attention, since Dracl keept placing his hand in my thigh, making me nervous. He knew the effect he had on me. After class, Hermione grabbed me by the hand and took me to the hall.
"What happened last night?" She asked.
"What are you talking about?" I played dumb.
"Come on. Draco and you arriving toghethet, Late" She said.
"Well, you know, we..." I said and he gasped.
"Really?" She asked surprised. I nodded yes.
"How was it? Did you like it?" She asked.
"Did you like what?" Ron asked.
"Nothing" Hermione and I said.
"Oh god" Harry said looking down.
"Oh, now I get it" Ron said.
"See you later guys" I said leaving the awkward scene. Hermione followed me.
"You need to tell me everything" She said grabbing my hand.

Later that day, I was reading a book in my room. I haven't seen Draco since the mornin, and I was starting to get worried. I went to his room, and he wasn't there. I went outside to the common room and he wasn't there either. I started to get even more worried and I decided to go to the astronomh tower. There, Draco was sitting on the floor. I got closer and he was scratching his arm harshly. I could hear him cry silently.
"Draco?" I said walking towards him.
"Em?" He asked crying, looking away from me. He put his sleeave down so I couldn't see what was wrong with his arm.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried as I sat down next to him.
"Nothing" He said placing his hand on top of his arm.
"Hey, It's me. You can talk to me" I said in a soft voice.
"Just leave me alone Emery" He said in an angry tone. He got up and left me alone.

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