Chapter 9

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The Yule Ball was getting closer, and Hermione was freaking out.
"Three weeks. Three week!" Hermione said slamming her books againt the little night stand beside the bed in my dorm.
"I know, I didn't expect it either" I said calmly.
"They been dating for three weeks! It's just crazy!" She said walking around my bedroom.
"I completely agree" I said. "On the good side, the ball is next week. Mabey that will be fun" I said trying to change the subject.
"Yes, mabey" She said sitting besides me in the bed.
"I mean, you could give thet Krum guy a chance. He could be your date to the ball" I said smiling.
"I don't know if I want a date" She said looking down.
"Hey. Don't do that. We will go to that dace and we will have fun. With or without dates" I said cheering her up. She looked at me and smiled.
"Do you have a dress?" I asked her.
"I have something in mind, but I don't know yet" She explained.
"Well, mabey tomorrow we can go to hogsmade and look for some stuff" I said.
"Yeah, let's do it" She said exited.
""Are you sleeping here tonight?" I asked.
"Can I?" She asked. "I don't want to go to my common room. Ron and Lavender are going to be there" She said.
"You can stay" I said getting into bed.
"Thank you" She said smiling.

The next morning we went to Hogsmade to look at some dresses. We were in a random store and I was hesitant about telling Hermione about Draco or not.
"Look at this one" Hermione said. She took out of the wrack a beautful ombré pinck dress. It had ruffles all over the skirt and the top was fitted with flowy short sleevs.
"You have to try it one" I encouraged her. She smiled at me and then got into the changing space. Meanwhile, I keept looking at dresses. Suddenly I saw a beautiful forrest green dress. I took it out and looked at it. It had a long V neck and a flowy skirt. It was all covered in tulle of the same shade of green. It had a beautiful open back. In put it over my shoulders and looked at myself in the mirror. It was teuly beautiful.
Suddenly, Hermione came out of the changeing space. She looked absolutely stunning.
"Hermione. I'm speachless" I said. She lughed.
"I swear that if you do!'t get that dress I will be mad" I exclaimed.
"I live it" She said. "What do you have there?" She asked. I showed her the dress and the smiled in exitment.
"Try it on" She said.
I went inside the little room and took my clothes off. I slipped into the big dress and stared at myself in the mirror before coming out.
"Emery" Hermione said looking at me like a proud mom. "You look absolutely beautiful" She said.
"I think I'm gonna buy it" I said happily.
"You should" She said.
We both bought those two dresses and headed to the castle. She want to the library and I went to the astronomy tower again.
"Draco?" I asked as I saw draco sitting in the astronomy tower. "Are you okey?" I asked as I sat besides him. He stayed in silence for a few seconds before answering.
"I'm fine, I'm just-" He said without looking at me. I stayed silent. "I can't do this anymore" He said with his voice cracking. He lookedt at me and his eyes were bloodshot from crying.
"Can't do what?" I asked wothout understanding he looked away from me again.
"This. Everything. It's too hard. No one understands" He said quietly. Slow tears started to go down his face.
"Don't worry. I'm here" I said hugging him. He placed his head in my chest and started sobbing.
"I'm here" I whispered as I ran my fingers through his beautiful blonde hair.

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