Chapter 1 - Season two

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Here we were. Back at this school, back were everything started. I was nervous, but I couldn't show it.
I was standing next to Hermione with the Order of Phoenix. In front of me, my brother Harry was in the Great Hall, facing the new headmaster of Hogwarts, Snape.
"How dare you stand were he stood" Harry provoked Snape. "Tell them how it happened that night!" He screamed. "Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and you killed him. Tell them" He finished. Snape's face was blank like a paper. He took his wand up and pointed it to Harry, but McGonagall sttod in front of him and pointed her wand back at him. We all took out wands too.
McGonagall started casting spells, but Snape avoided them all until he disappeared through the window.
All of the Hogwarts students started cheering now that the headmaster was gone.
A cold, scary whisper started to rumble in the castle walls. It was Voldemort, saying that if we gave in Harry, we wouldn't have to get into war with him.
"What are you waiting for!" Pasy yelled "Get him" She pointed I Harry. Ginny and I instantly stood in front of him, in a way of protection. All of the Order did the same thing.
"Filch, take Miss Parkinson and the rest of the Slytherin house to the dougens" McGonagall said to the man, who just entered the room. Harry walked towards her and I stayed with Hermione and Ron.
"I assume gou have a reason to return Potter. What is it that you need?" She asked.
"Time, professor. As much as you can get me" Harry said. We still needed to find two horrocruxes. We knew what one of them was, but the other one we had no idea. This is why we were back at the castle, to end this.
"Do what you have to do. I'm secure the castle" She said. He started to walk away, but she stopped him. "Potter. It's good to see you" She smiled.
"It's good to see you too profesor" Harry smiled before disappearing in between all of the student.
"What are we going to do with the horrocruxes we already have?" I asked to Ron and Hermione.
"We don't have the sword, so that's out of the question" Hermione said disappointed.
"We could go to the Chamber of Secrets" Ron said out of the blue.
"For what?" I asked confused.
"The basilisk's fangs. They are still there. Their venom can destroy the horrocruxes" He said exited.
"You are brilliant Ron" Hermione said happily, making Ron blush.
"You guys go ahead. I'll try to find Harry. Here, have this" I said handing them the marauders map. "When you are done, find Harry and me" I said before running away to look for my brother.

I spent almost half an hour looking Harry through the whole school, but he was nowhere to be found. I was starting to be tired and hot, so I sat down on the floor.
I started to feel anxious all of a sudden. I was alone and I didn't really understand what was happening. I started feeling like I was losing control. I felt my breath starting to shorten. My heart started thumping, and I could hear my blood passing through my ears. I felt like I was suffocating, so I started taking off my sweater. My hands were tembling, and I didn't have control over anything I was doing. My chest started going up and down rapidly and I started to see blurry. I shut my eyes close and I try to concentrate in my breathing, like Ron tought me this last year.
I've been having a lot of panick attacks since the night Draco left, and Ron was the only one who knew. Out of habit, I grabbed the necklace Draco gave me when we were still together. My mind went directly to that day.


It was a chilly night, it was raining outside and we just got back from Hogsmade. Draco and I were curled down the blankets and I was laying on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Suddenly, he got up and started to look for something in his bag. I looked at him confused.
"What's wrong?" I asked with a worrid voice.
"I wanted to give you this" He said taking a thin, silver chain with one of his rings hanging from it. I could tell I was blushing.
"Really? But it's one of your favorites" I said.
"Yes, but I think you should have it. So you aleays have a pice of me with you" He smiled, getting my hair out of the way so he put the necklace on.
"Thank you Draco" I said giving him a small kiss on his lips. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but the words wouldn't come out. He layed on his back again and I placed myself back into his chest, wandering if I should tell him how I felt.

End of Flashback

I didn't want to admit it, but going back to that night really helped me compose myself. Going back to the moment Everything was okay. The moment where I was happy.

I got back up and continued to look for Harry. I was in one of the hallways when suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from outside. I went to one of the garden and looked outside.
The sky was full of what looked like fireworks. But McGonagall's protective spells were stoping them to enter the castle.
Voldemort. They are attacking. I need to find Harry. I thought to myself.
I continues to look for my brother and the loud noise was back again, only that this time it lasted longer. I look out a window and everything started to resound. They broke the spells. They are getting access to the castle.
I runned through the crowded halls as I heard explotions and screams sorounding me. I went to the main staircase, hoping to find someone there because the war was starting. Everyone was screaming and going down the stairs. I followed them jntil I found my brother going up.
"Oh thank god you are here" I said hugging him tightly.
"Why are you alone? Where are Hermione and Ron?" He said worried.
"Harry" Neville's voice came from behind me. I turned around and Ginny was with him.
"Neville, Ginny, are you alright?" My brother asked.
"Never better" Neville asked with adrenaline. "Have you seen Luna?" He asked out of breath.
"No, why?" I asked.
"I love her. Now is the perfect time to tell her" Neville said before running away. Harry and Ginny looked ag eachother before shearing a passionate kiss.
I suddenly missed Draco. I wanted him to be here with me. I wanted to kiss him and tell him how stupid he was for leaving.
"Emery, let's go. I know where the diadem is" Harry said, bringing me back to reality. I nodded yes with my head and we both started running.

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