Chapter 18

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The next morning it was sutarday. I didn't have much homework, si I went to the Griffindor common room to spend the day with my friends. I haven't told them about the Draco sutuation. Partlh because I don't want Harry to freak out again.
"Hey guys" I said as I sat down next to them.
"Hey Em. We were going to go to Hogsmade for some butterbeer. Want to come?" Ron asked.
"Sure" I said.
The four of us spent the day there. I had a lot of fun, and for a moment I forgot my situation with Draco. But, the time to go to the castle again finally came.
I entered the room and Draco was there.
"Where were you?" He asked mad.
"Why do you care?" I said.
"I was worried. I haven's seen you for the whole day" He said.
"Now you know how it feels" I said.
"Were you with Diggory?" He asked me. I started laughing.
"Are you shitting me?" I asked him in disbelief.
"Answre the question" He simply said.
"Oh my god. You are serios. You genuinely think I'm seeing somebody else" I said not beliving him.
"Emery" He said in an annoyed tone.
"No. You know what, that is so toxic of you. Disappearing all the time, not telling me anything, and the one time I di the same, you think Imm fucking someone else. Really classy Draco" I said rolling my eyes.
"Well, and what was I supposed to think?" He asked.
"Are you seriously asking this question?" I asked. He stayed in silence.
"You know what. Yeah. I was with Cedric the whole day. In his dorm" I said. "Just imagine the rest" I tried to walk away, but he stoped me.
"Don't do that" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"You act like you care. I do the thing you've been doing for days now and YOU are the one who freaks out. I'm not gonna let you do that" I said. "You know what, just leave me alone. It is not gonna be hard for you. We are barely even a cuple anyway" I said.
"And what do you want me to do Emery?" He yelled.
"Tell me what you've been doing? Why are you disappearing?" I asked.
"I can't tell you that" He said lookign at the floor. I started at him and a nod started to appear in my throat. I stated in silence for a cuple of minutes, waiting for him to say something.
"Draco, Just talk to me!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me, with no emotion in his eyes.
"It just feels like you are playing with me at this point. You send me signals and when I try to get closer yo push me away! I just don't understand what you want!" I finally said. I've been getting this feeling for a long time now but I never thought I would tell him. Especially this way. But I was just so confused, and I was tierd of it.
"I don't know what you want Emery! Don't you understand?" He said with pain in his voice.
"How do you expect me to understand? You don't talk to me Draco!" I explode. "Why won't you let me in?" I asked him in the edge of tears.
"Like itMs easy to you. You don't leg people in either so don't act like you are above it because yoj are not!" He said with anger in his voice. His words broke me.
"Well, I did with you" I said defending myself "Doesn't that say anythkng?" I asked with pain. I felt like mh throat was closing because of the tears.
"I don't open up to people. I don't know why you thought this time was going to be different. It's not" He said coldly. Silence invaded the room. But this one was different. This one didn't speak. This one was unfamiliar. This lne was different from our silences.
"You are right. I donmt know why I thought this time was different" I said with tears running down my cheeks.
"Don't cry" He said coming closer, but K took a step backwards.
"See? This is exactly what you do! You tell me nothing is going to change, but then tou come closer! Don't do that!" I said with my voice breaking.
"I'm sorry" He said with his eyes getting watery.
"I don't think you are sorry. I think you are scared. You are scared of having the feeling of something good in your life. But you know what? I'm not gonna do this to myself anymore" I said with my heart breaking with each world that left my mouth.
"Mabey we were better off alone" He said, fighting himself to not cry.
"Mabey we were" I said starting to walk away.

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