29: A Simple Promise

Start from the beginning

Ban was teleported safely back to the ground and watched the block plummet to the earth. A loud rumbling could be heard before the ice shattered into pieces. Fire wrapped around the demon's body then vanished after it had successfully thawed her out.

She opened her mouth to make a snarky comment, but that's when she noticed the giant helping Elizabeth.

"Are you okay?" Diane asked with concern seeing the wound on Elizabeth's neck.

"Y-yes, I'm fine."

Obsidian raced for Diane, her body becoming pure flames as she collided with the large mass. Diane had used her ability to make herself stable and the attack had little to no effect on her. Diane swung with her hammer, though the strike was stopped by only the demon's hand.

"If you think you're gonna stop me from killing Elizabeth, you're dead wrong." Obsidian spun around, swinging with her foot right into Diane's chest making her stumble at the powerful kick and drop her companion.

Elizabeth screamed as she began free-falling and Obsidian flew to catch her, only to be grabbed around the ankle by a vine. She hung upside down and a growl escaped her throat. Her eyes shifted from Elizabeth, now safe in Ban's arms, then locked onto King.

"You'll have to go through us," he said, weaponized with Chastiefol.

"How foolish. What a poor successor to Gloxinia."

"King Gloxinia himself has claimed that I am more of a king than he," King retorted. "So, if anyone is foolish, then it's you."

A vein pulsed in the demon's forehead. Fire flowed from Obsidian's mouth with the powerful roar of a dragon forcing King to get out of dodge. She held her hand out, summoning Metamorphosis and using it to cut herself free. She gently landed and looked up. She was surrounded by enemies, but that didn't phase her. Nothing these Sins did could ever make her uneasy. One thing about the reaper, as hot headed as she was, she was cool under pressure. Her eyes darted from one Sin to the next, keeping track of their positions relative to where she stood.

Obsidian took a deep breath as her power level increased. Her eyes became completely black and she snarled at Meliodas's friends. She would kill anyone who got in the way of her goals.

She leapt into the air and flew straight for Merlin while King trailed behind her. As long as she could keep the fight at the most a 2v1, she couldn't lose. Obsidian glanced back feeling King's presence and seeing the glint of Chastiefol, she moved her head back as it glided past her face. When she looked forward again, she was met with Gideon swinging right at her. Her body vanished and King took the brunt of the attack.

"Sorry, King!" Diane apologized.

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!"

Obsidian barreled into Merlin with a strong enough force to knock her backwards. She flew after the mage and pinned her arms behind her back.

"Out of all the Sins, I hate you the most," Obsidian spoke in her ear. "I don't know what it is about you, but you remind me of someone. And that's what pisses me off more than anything else."

"If you're jealous of my beauty and grace, I can't fault you for that." Merlin smiled.

Obsidian pressed her foot into the mage's back and tugged on her arms. "Arrogance is something you people have in common. Meliodas was arrogant, too, and look where that got him."

"Envy is a sin, don't you know that?" Merlin was feeling rather good despite her crippling fear that they would not win. She was slammed downwards and coughed at the dust clouding around her.

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