[1.21] break stuff

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"So my point is," the dance captain continued, "is that the way that they danced was full of soul. I mean, I think that's what our Regionals routine is missing."

Tiffany suddenly cut in with a burst of energy, "Yes! I think we should totally do one of their moves! Like that..." she began to reenact what she had seen, "That one with the feet."

"Yeah!" the rest of the group cheered giddily.

Michelle nodded, "We could do something like that, just the feeling and the heart."

"Yeah, having heart in a dance is super important, you know?" Maxie chimed in, shrugging nonchalantly.



Giselle spoke up, "What if we do an overhead lift?"

Whilst the rest of the group debated the idea, Kate immediately shut it down, "No, absolutely not. That's way too risky. We can't throw that in at this point."

Daniel was quick to counter the studio head, "Well, Giselle and I used to do overhead lifts all the time."

"Yeah, all of the time," she nodded.

"I used to do them a lot too, back at my old studio," Maxie provided, turning the group's attention to her, "One may even say I'd be a flyer for a cheer team in another lifetime," she sighed to herself, earning herself many confused looks from her peers.

Shaking off the distraction, Michelle continued, "Right, well, thanks for that information, Max. But, like, er, what about like the helicopter lift or something like that?" she looked back to Kate and Chris for support.

"Yeah!" the rest of the troupe grinned, excited at the mere prospect of putting an overhead lift in there, as they chatted animatedly over each other.

"I think adding an overhead lift would be extremely good for our routine and also, I think it will help me make my mark in A-Troupe," Giselle claimed.

Maxie's smile faltered a bit as she realised something, "I know how good this lift would be, and it would definitely give us a good push to the top, but it took me and my old troupe at least six, to seven, months to even be able to master it without a safety mat." 

"Overhead lifts are dangerous, end of discussion," Kate spoke matter-of-factly, "The girls are so high up in the air, the guys need to be so strong and sturdy and if something goes wrong, you know? I've seen what Maxie's old studio does. That's Internationals level. We need to get through Regionals first."

She looked to Chris and sighed exhaustedly, "Okay. We'll think about it. But in the meantime get back to rehearsal, okay?"

Stephanie shrugged, "I think adding an overhead lift to the dance would be a good idea."

Eldon added, "They've done it before, so why not throw it in?"

"I'm very disappointed that Kate and Chris are saying no to the helicopter lift," Giselle stated, "I know Daniel and I can do it."

As the group dispersed, signalling a break before practice began, which gave Maxie the perfect opportunity to catch up with someone she hadn't talked to in over a month.

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