A Quick Thank You + Announcement

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Lizzar here, and I just want to thank y'all for 100+ reads. It was completely unexpected to me and is greatly appreciated.

I had never once thought this fic would get to this extent but it did. It was originally just a passion project, as I had originally thought it would only get about 50 or fewer reads, but I was wrong...LoL

I like to interact with my audience, so I read every comment on this fic, every once in and awhile I'll even reply to them. So please comment or give me feedback, it is very appreciated. Comment if I leave errors, I will always go back and fix whatever errors I make.

I edit the chapter's as I go but I normally wait till the day before a chapter goes out. I edit and reread the chapter a bunch to make things sound as coherent and comprehensive as possible.


I would also like to announce that, I've begun work on another Dream x George/dnf story.

I'm just working out the timeline and then I'll begin to write it. I literally have a note doc full of my thoughts/notes on my phone, it's like 7 pages long, so...yeah, I'm not gonna run out of story ideas, anytime soon.

I won't be saying much about it but I'll involve a snowflake in some way, or should I say think about how a snowflake works... ;)

Anyways...thank you to all those that have been reading this.

I'll be uploading one chapter on Saturday, see you then.

-Lizzar ( #*ㅅ*# )

My Little Gogy. (Dream x George)Where stories live. Discover now