1991 Part 48

606 19 5

"You kissed Stone!"


"You did didn't you? I'm so fucking right!"

I've just staggered through the door from the cab Stone and I shared home. Stone's fast asleep in the backseat, snoring his pretty little head off and being whisked home by a very helpful and understanding driver. 

"This is a giant bag of approximately twelve tacos," I announce, suppressing a burp and waving the large paper bag in front of Kev's face, "if you are mean to me you get precisely zero!"

"Fuck the tacos, I want the scandal!" Kev cries, "Samantha Greene you slut!" 

I let my jacket fall on the floor and wobble to the kitchen to drink from the faucet like a thirsty dog, lapping the water as though my life depends on it. I wipe my mouth on my sleeve and head towards the sofa, collapsing face down onto it. I hear a rustling sound next to me as Kev takes the bag and starts devouring my leftovers. 

"No tacos, you're mean!" I mumble.

"You can have them back if you tell me. I'm right though, I can tell. Your lips look all...used!" Kev laughs with a mouthful of food. I groan and roll over onto my back. 

"You're as bad as my fucking mother," I moan.

"She called today, again."

I swat that piece of information away with my hands. 

"Anyway back to what you were saying Sam, about kissing Stone..." Kev tries sneakily. 

"A-ha! I'm not falling for that matey!" I vaguely point at him and then sigh, "but yes I did."
Kev's eyebrows shoot upwards at a rate of knots. "But it's not a bad thing, not at all, because he's my brother now and I love him and he loves me, very much" I grin sloppily. 

"Okaaaaay?" Kev looks confused. 

"We kissed to see what it was like, and it was weird, really fuckin' weird," I furrow my brow.

"But you kissed before, couldn't you tell last time?" 

"No because that wasn't a proper one, this was a properly one, for ages with hands and stuff!" I explain, showing Kev my hands.

"Wow! That's a lot of information Sam..." Kev puts his taco back in the bag. 

"And it was not good..." I grin happily, "at all... like brotherly not good."

"Ew!" Kev pushes the bag away.



"Now it's all gone, all gone away..." I roll onto my side and close my eyes, smiling contentedly.

"What has? Sam? What's gone away?" Kev shakes me gently. I open my eyes again and try to focus on him. 


"What scaryness? Sam? Wake up honey!"


I wake up to find someone has replaced my tongue with sandpaper and is whacking a large mallet repeatedly into my temple. Worse than that, as I open my eyes I find the remains of several fish taco's next to my head and the smell of eggs frying in the kitchen. I push myself up on one arm to survey the damage, taking care to move my head as gently as I can. 

"Good afternoon beautiful!" Kev sings in his loudest faux opera voice from the kitchen. That bastard. I start to tell him to fuck off but as I open my mouth I realise words will not be the next thing out of it.

1991जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें