1991 Part 13

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I woke up late Monday morning. That's what happens when I spend the weekend letting my body clock get out of sync. I couldn't get to sleep last night, mainly because of Kirst. I tried calling her back but the phone just kept ringing out, and then the line was busy for the rest of the night. She probably left it off the hook. Her tone really bothered me, the way she talked about Dave was off, even for her. Yes, Kirst goes through guys at a rate of knots but why shouldn't she, if she's not hurting anyone which she never does. But this was different, this would be hurting someone. They'd only met on Friday but the way she spoke about Scrunch seemed like she really liked him, in a way I'd not seen from her before. And Dave, well, Dave did not seem like her type at all, she hadn't even acknowledged his existence before.  

It's after 9 and I'm halfway up Stevens, on my way to class, when I see  Becky walking in the other direction. She's got her head down and her hood up, but I can tell it's her by her 18 hole white docs. I mean, who wears those really?

"Hey Beck, wait up" I call and notice that she seems startled to hear me shout. As I get closer I notice she looks pale, with dark purple circles around her eyes. "Becky, my god, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm...I'm better now, obviously. Still a bit, you know, fragile or whatever." Becky fiddles with her sleeves, anxiously.

"I'm so sorry about what happened, should you be here today?" I look at her with concern. It's clear she needs more than just medical attention. "Is anyone with you?" I look around but she appears to be completely alone.

"No, just me. Jude is meeting me on the Ave after I've finished my meeting." Jude is Becky's roommate. My heart is breaking for Becky, she looks so fragile. "I'm taking a break for a couple of weeks, just have to clear it with my supervisor first." I nod slowly, it's obvious Becky needs some rest. 

"Hey thanks by the way. Kirst said you're the one that got me help, when I..." 

"Are you kidding? No need for thanks, and it was those guys at the bar, not me really."

"Kirst said you smacked that fucker in the face though?" it was the first time I saw something like a smile on Becky's face.

"My absolute pleasure, anytime." I gave Becky a warm hug. She felt so small. 

"Those guys at the bar? I'd like to say thanks, you know? Kirst said they really had my back."

"Of course," I nodded, I wanted to ask about Nick, what had happened with the police but thought better of it. 

"That one guy was there when I woke up too. He held my hand I remember. Real nice guy," she smiled."It's so weird, I don't even remember a band playing, I didn't even know you were there Sam, until Kirst told me. It's like a whole night has been erased." Becky's eyes started to fill with tears. I hugged her tightly again and looked at my watch behind her back. Fuck it, missing one lecture wouldn't hurt and I couldn't leave Becky like this. 

"Come on, lets go and find your supervisor together. I've got a couple of hours free, then we can find Jude together. Ok?"

Becky didn't argue. She sniffed quietly and said "ok". I wrapped my arm around her and walked her to the administrative building.

Becky stays in her supervisors for over an hour while I wait outside. I grab her a warm drink and wait in the outer office. Finally the door swings open and Dr. Keating escorts her out. 

"Do you have someone with you now Becky?" Dr Keating asks. I raise my hand.

"That would be me." Dr Keating smiles at me gratefully.

"Wonderful, I'm leaving you in capable hands Becky. I'll be in touch later today once i've made a few calls. Try to get some rest please? And don't worry, this will be sorted out I promise you." Dr Keating assures us. She immediately crosses to her secretary and starts speaking in hushed tones.

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