1991 Part 35

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"You have got to be fucking kidding me Samantha!!"

I'm halfway down the street, striding along quickly with my head down walking as fast as I can away from Eddie and Beth and my friends and all of that shit. All of the shit and drama that I just cannot take anymore of when out of nowhere I hear a voice. Shouting. Really fucking loud. 

"Hey! Little Miss fucking drama! Where the fuck d'you think you're going?"

I don't stop, I turn my head slightly to see who's behind me, even though I already know who it is. There's only guy who can make himself heard from that distance. Perks of being a rock god.

"Home!" I yell, still walking away, "I'm going home Chris!"

"What the fuck!" I hear him yell. He sounds utterly pissed off.

"I'll call Kirst in the morning. I'm sorry!" I shout as loud as I can walking backward. I need to get out of here, away from all of this, now. I turn and start to pick up the pace. The next thing I hear is the sound of very large, very heavy footsteps approaching from behind. It sounds like a demented giraffe is chasing me. He isn't actually running after me is he? I turn to look and see Chris Cornell running full speed towards me down the street, past people who dodge out of the way quickly to avoid being steam rolled. A few of them have a flash of recognition as he passes which quickly changes to what the fuck?

In a particularly surreal decision, for a reason I can't quite explain I decide to run too, rather than doing the sensible thing of stopping. I can't outrun this guy, I'm a foot shorter than him. As weird as it sounds, I start running away from Chris Cornell. It can't be something that happens often. The spectacle of a very small woman, being chased by a lolloping giant with bouncy spaniel curls, a very famous lolloping giant at that, through the streets of Seattle isn't something you see everyday.

"I'm not stopping Chris!" I yell over my shoulder, pumping my arms trying to get away. This is turning into a farce.

"Would you just fucking stop!" he yells, sounding much closer.

"No! I'm going home, go away!" I shout, my lungs are already burning from the effort. I am the least fit person on earth mainly because I haven't run since gym class.

"Stop running for fucks sake, you look ridiculous!" Chris's footsteps are getting louder. I can see a side road up ahead and decide to make a break for it.

"You can't make me!" I really wish I hadn't worn docs for this.

"Just stop and talk to me Sam, this is embarrassing!" Chris doesn't sound in the slightest bit out of breath, unlike me. The endurance needed for live shows I suppose.

"So stop chasing me! You're the one chasing me Chris!" I yell half tripping over my own feet.

"Not until you talk to me, would you just fucking stop?"

"No! I don't want to!" I snap like a petulant toddler. I turn into a side road. My run has turned into more of an apathetic jog by now. I'm so fucking tired but I'm pretty sure I've lost him with my clever dodging tactic. Hah! Eat my dust Cornell!

"Sam?" Chris places his hand on my shoulder, "Stop".


Why I thought I could outrun a man with legs twice as long as mine is a mystery. I fold double, place my hands on my knees and wheeze heavily, trying to get my breath back.

"You just made me chase you down a main street, I can't believe I've just done that." I look at Chris upside down through my legs. He looks at me like a stern father.

1991Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ