1991 Part 34

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"Really?" I breathe, too full of hope to ask anything else.

"Really Sam. Now will you relax please? You're freaking me out!" Chris laughs.

Eddie put me on the guest list? That must mean he forgives me right? I mean why else would he put me on the list, if I'm on the list it means he wants me here. Eddie officially wants me here. I start to smile so wide my cheeks might burst. 

"You ok?" Kev shouts from across the table.

"Uh-huh!" I nod, still grinning like an idiot.

"It's just I didn't realise you had teeth," he smirks and winks. 

It's been a long time since I've smiled but I finally feel like I can relax a little and look forward to the show. I lean back and pick up my beer but I've already finished it, in my nervous state.

"Hey can you let me out, I'm gonna go to the bar, anyone want anything?" I ask the table in general. 

"Wait up, I'll come too," Chris says, "we'd better be quick though." 

Chris lets me out and we make our way across the sea of people, all staring forwards expectantly at the stage. I'm smiling at everyone and saying excuse me and just generally being the type of cheerful, happy person I usually hate. I can't help it though. Eddie wants me here, he really wants me here!

Turns out getting through a crowd is way easier when you've got a famous giant escorting you. Seems that at a secret Pearl Jam show the best person to accompany you to the bar is Chris Cornell. It's on a 'parting of the sea' level. We walk through pretty easily save for Chris having to stop and say hello, shake hands and high five every single person there. I don't care though, it's fun and nothing can destroy my buzz. I practically float on air across the room. In just a few minutes I'll see Eddie again, and he will probably talk to me and that's good enough for me, it's better than nothing, the nothing I've lived with for six months. I grin up at Chris and join in with the high fiving like a crazy person, even though no one really wants my high five. Fuck 'em, I'm on cloud nine! High fives all round! By the time we reach the bar I'm giggling like mad.

"All ok down there gorgeous?" Chris yells to me from above 

"Great thanks," I beam, enjoying the excited buzz that's filling the room. This is going to be the best night ever I can just feel it, "what can I get you? It's on me," I yell.

Chris looks like he's about to argue for a second but I interject before he can.

"Listen, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You and Kirst set this up and I owe you for being so nice to me and for the shit I've put you through. So the least I can do is get a round of drinks in, please?" I smile up at him. Chris looks at me seriously for a second, like he's about to say something but then he begrudgingly agrees.

"Ok gorgeous, what say shots all round?" 

I could get used to gorgeous being Chris' nickname for me. It's a much needed confidence boost to be called gorgeous by someone like him. 

"Sounds good, any preference?"

"Gotta be tequila right?"

I laugh in agreement, "Of course, eight tequilas and eight beers please," I yell to the bartender who gives a thumbs up and smiles at Chris. It's also very easy to get served if you take a famous giant to the bar with you, which is a bonus. 

"Wait, wait, ten," he shouts. I look at him questioningly wondering who the other two are for. "There's another two coming, should be here any minute."  

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