1991 Part 14

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"I fucking hate Leonardo."

"Really? He doesn't bother me that much. Raphael pisses off me more, he's so rude."

"Yeah, but Raphael has the skills, that dude is tough."

"True but he has a bad attitude, which cancels out his fighting prowess." 

"Politeness isn't important to ninja turtles Sam."

"Manners are important for everyone Kev, April needs to remind Raphael of that."

Kevin and I are in the middle of one of our deeply intellectual debates, while lying on the couch sharing a cheap bottle of wine and a several buckets of popcorn. It's been our Tuesday night ritual since we moved in, invented due to our mutual hatred of Tuesdays. The most boring day of the week. 

"What did you get?" I ask as Kev reaches for the pile of Blockbuster cases in front of the TV.

"Selection, nothing but the best for you Sam," he grins, "I got Misery, The Doors and Arachnophobia."

"Not the Doors," I say immediately.

"I thought you liked Val Kilmer though?"

"I do, I absolutely love Val but I can't stand The Doors, most overrated, pretentious band ever," I snap.

"How about Misery? Seems apt for you right now," Kev laughs.

"Fine," I mutter. I haven't heard from Eddie since Saturday, well technically just after 3am on Sunday morning. It's not a ridiculously long time but I feel a bit more anxious that usual. What Kirst said about Scrunch has been playing on my mind. How come Eddie didn't want to take me out first? It's made me nervous again, questioning his intentions.

Kev puts the cassette in, flicks the lights off and we studiously watch the trailers. We never, ever skip the trailers. I snuggle down under my blanket and shovel handful after handful of popcorn into my mouth miserably. I gulp my wine too fast. We've just got to the part where Annie finds Paul Sheldon in a car crash when the phone rings.

"Fuck's sake!" yells Kev, throwing his blanket off and pausing the movie to answer it. I sulkily gulp more wine while Paul Sheldon's mangled car wobbles on the paused screen. 

"It's for you," Kev says and throws the receiver at me, "and don't be long, I'm not going to wait longer than two minutes to unpause Sam." He sits back down and reassumes his film watching position.

I sigh and grab the phone. It had better not be my fucking mother, Kev will have finished all three films by the time she's done speaking.



That voice. My stomach 360s and I sit bolt upright. For some reason I start tidying my hair.

"Eddie? Hi," my cheeks are going red I know it.

"Hey," he's smiling, I can hear him smiling! "how are things?"

"Err..good, yeah they're good thanks" I'm grinning like an idiot and Kev is rolling his eyes, "and you?"

"I'm great thanks, yeah, just winding down. Lots of things going on right now and we're kinda busy. But things are good, yeah."

"That's great...I'm...I'm glad you called."


"Yeah," my face hurts and I've wrapped the phone cord so tightly round my hand it's gone blue.

"Me too," Eddie says and sort of giggles. God he's so adorable I could just eat him!

"I'm glad you're glad," I laugh. And then he laughs and oh my god this is ridiculous. Kev lets out a groan.

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