1991 Part 47

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"D'you want a drink?" Stone yells in my ear. The band is really loud. I nod and mouth 'beer' at him. He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd to the bar.

Stone picked me up at 7 as promised. Thankfully it hadn't felt weird at all. I'd been worried after my conversation or rather my lecture from Kev that it would be awkward but if anything, it felt more normal than before.

"What d'you think?" I yell once we get to the counter, indicating the band. Stone wrinkles his nose and makes a so-so signal with his hand.

"Harsh!" I laugh.

It's never been more obvious how huge Pearl Jam are becoming, I realise this by the attention Stone is getting from all sides. As soon as we walked in the door it became impossible for him to look in any direction without someone, or rather some girl trying to catch his eye. He's doing a really good job of taking it in his stride, although we can't help collapsing into hysterics when three do it at the same time.

"Wow, Scrunch, what the hell kind of aftershave are you wearing?" I giggle. Stone raises his eyebrows and smirks.

"It's ok, if anyone comes over I'll just pretend you're my girlfriend," he winks and wraps his arm around my shoulders possessively. I place my hand on his tummy and look up at him adoringly to add to the effect as he bends and pretends to kiss my neck deeply. Even though he doesn't actually make contact and just buries his face in my neck I feel myself blush.

"Deal," I laugh as he untangles himself.

Before the band finish their set Stone asks if I'm hungry, which I am. We're both so starved we leave while the gig is still in full swing.

"Won't your friend mind that you left early?" I ask as we exit. Stone shakes his head.

"Nah, he saw that I was there, that's enough. What do you want to eat?"

I shrug my shoulders, not sure what I feel like.


"Oh my god, tacos sound perfect!" I grin.

Stone takes me to a really tiny Mexican restaurant hidden in a side street. It's practically deserted but really bright and colourful inside. We order one of everything on the menu, both realising we're absolutely famished. Halfway through my fourth taco Stone wipes his mouth, clears his throat and looks up expectantly.

"Are you finished already?" I ask, hoping we can stay long enough for me to clear at least three more.

"Eddie called me."

I choke on my pico de gallo which makes my eyes tear up.

"He did?" I try to ask nonchalantly, while wiping my eyes on a napkin.

"He did." Stone seems serious.

"Oh." Suddenly my taco doesn't taste quite as amazing, "everything ok?"

Stone wipes his hands and pushes his plate aside.

"He asked if I'd heard from you, because he hasn't," Stone is looking at me searchingly. I don't answer, I just keep my head down and fiddle with my food.

"Did...did you tell him about tonight?" I mumble. Stone nods. "What did you say?"

"I told him we were going to a gig together." Stone rests his elbows on the table and leans forward.

"And what did he say?" I ask quietly. Stone shrugs.

"Nothing.... should he have? Said something?"

Now it's my turn to shrug, "No, I just wondered that's all."

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