1991 part 5

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Except that's not what happened. Not what happened at all.

I walk to our usual spot to meet K. We like to grab a couple of sandwiches and head to Gas Works Park, it's our weekend tradition and gives us a chance to dissect the weekend midway through. We usually while away a couple of hours bitching and moaning about our lives then decide what to do later that night. I stand outside the sandwich place and check my watch. As usual K appears 12 minutes later.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she starts apologising before she even gets to me, shouting down the street. 

"I'm used to it Kirst, I'd be more shocked if you showed up on time!" I yell back.

Kirsty bounds up to me with flushed cheeks, looking as gorgeous as ever, wearing a crushed velvet bottle green dress over opaque black tights. She's got her cherry red docs on and a beanie planted on the back of her head. 

"Ugh! Can you at least make an effort to look appealing K, you're hideous!" I tease pulling her in for a hug. She smells of patchouli and something else. "Wow, you and Scrunch been smoking much?"

"Only a little, he's got practice." K beams at me, her eyes a little pink and glassy. "god I'm famished, did you get me something?"

I hold up the smoked turkey sandwich wrapped in wax paper I'd grabbed for her while I waited and her eyes grow wide.

"You're an angel! I'm starving!" 

We walk to the park and sit on a bench. K practically inhales her sandwich and nearly kisses me when I pull out a family sized bag of chips.

"You like him then? Scrunch?" I smile at her.

"He's a good guy you know, we had fun. He stayed with me all night, took me home from the hospital and stayed over."

"I'm sure he did." I waggle my eyebrows at K teasing.

"Nothing happened, well, we kissed. We kissed a lot. He has great lips" she sighs.

I say nothing, just look at her and wait. I know K too well.

"and there may have been some mutual.....affection, shall we say." 

I choke on my chip.

"Is that what we're calling it now? How proper! Mutual affection, as in you held his hand and he held yours right?" I giggle.

"Well, not exactly. Perhaps a tad bit more affection than that?"

"You braided his hair then he did yours?" 

"No, not exactly."

"Oh, well what can you mean K?" I ask innocently.

"His penis may have made its way into my mouth at one point, I couldn't possibly comment." K does a fantastic job of keeping a straight face.

"Goodness! That is affectionate. And he reciprocated?" 

"Well, Scrunch is a gentleman as you know, so it would be impolite to not return the favour." K nibbles a chip daintily. 

"My goodness!"

We both collapse in giggles at our silliness. 

"I do like him though, I know I've got a bit of a habit of finding these guys Sam but he's different." 

I look at Kirsty, surprised to see a sentimental look pass across her face. She smiles to herself. A moment later as though waking herself from a dream, she shakes herself a little and faces me.

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