1991 Part 7

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"You're clean."

Eddie looks at me, with a slight smile and a quizzical brow, while he chews his mouthful of pizza.

"Er....I mean your clothes, your clothes are...um..clean,"

Still no response, still just looking at me with one eyebrow raised, questioningly.

"The uh....the last time I saw you, last night? You needed a shower?" My face is literally on fire. I tear my eyes away from his and look at the table top. What feels like hours pass before he finally swallows his mouthful and responds.

"Yeah, right. Sorry. Shouldn't speak with your mouth full right?" he smiles. 

I grab a glass of ice water from the table and take a big gulp, trying to cool off. I have never felt so awkward in my life. The effect he has is ridiculous. After all the shuffling back and forth to let everyone sit down, Kirst is now directly on my left. She digs an elbow into my ribs when she notices me trying to shrink into the floor. From behind my hand I mouth "Help me!" at her.

"Calm, be calm Sam. Just breathe ok? You've got this. You are gorgeous" she whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. I give her a tiny nod and a grimace. I steel myself and glance at him. 

"I probably smell better too," Eddie laughs and wipes his mouth on a napkin. I'm jealous of a  napkin. "Right?" and he pulls his hair back off his neck and leans in to me, offering me a sniff! What the fuck do I do? 

I hear K snort and then she shoves me forwards. I lean in awkwardly, intending to pretend to smell him and then say something vague like "oh yes, much better than Becky's puke, why thank you Edward."
But he puts his hand gently on my shoulder and his fingers grip as he ever so lightly guides me into the crook of his neck. I can't help myself. I lean in, close my eyes and breathe in deeply. His skin smells of warmth, slightly sweet and citrusy, maybe a hint of cinnamon or is it the bergamot from his hair? The scent sends a wave of warmth across my chest which creeps up my neck. I open my eyes and see my lips are almost brushing against him and I think about gently licking the caramel skin on his neck, just below his ear, tracing a vein with the tip of my tongue.

"Better, right?" he says low, in his unmistakable timbre, right into my ear. The hairs on my forearms stand up. I pull back quickly and avert my eyes.

"Uh.....much better, yes." I cross my legs tightly. My heart is hammering in my chest. I grab the ice water and drain it.

"Thirsty?" he casually takes another mouthful of pizza. 

"Yeah, we uh, we had a few shots before. Just, you know, rehydrating. It's super important to hydrate." What the actual fuck am I saying?

He's back to looking at me quizzically while chewing, not speaking. He finally swallows and smiles slowly, studying my face like he's amused.

"You ok Sam? You seem a little.....anxious?" He says it quietly, so only I can hear. Everyone else is occupied, talking loudly and laughing, throwing olives and catching them in their mouths in an attempt to woo the waitress (Dave), drawing something complex on napkins (Jeff), politely pretending to be interested in napkin drawings (Mike) or nauseatingly snogging the faces off each other (Scrunch and Kirst).

"I'm fine!" I answer too quickly, "fine, I'm getting another beer"

"What about your hydration regimen?" he blinks at me and I think I feel a breeze off his ridiculously pretty eyelashes.

I ignore him and signal the waitress, who seems glad to be freed of Dave's attention. 

"May I have another beer please?" I ask politely.

"Sure, and can I get you anything darling, anything at all?" the waitress is looking at Eddie like he's.... well like he's Eddie, a delectable morsel that's fallen from the heavens. I sigh, disgusted with myself and with her, we're all so predictable. 

"No thank you," Eddie smiles patiently, "just the check." He doesn't take his eyes off me, much to the waitresses annoyance. 

"You're leaving?" I ask.

"No, we're leaving." 

"We are?" I look around the table, no one seems in the slightest bit interested in moving.

The waitress slams a beer down in front of me, harder than is necessary. She places the check in front of Eddie with a wink. 

"I can't leave, I have to finish my beer," I say stubbornly and take a slow sip. I place it back on the table. Eddie picks it up. In three mouthfuls it's gone. 

"Beers finished. Let's go."

"We're leaving?" Scrunch has woken from his Kirst induced lust coma and has noticed there are other people at the table. Kirst's eyebrows shoot up and she grins.

'Yeah, Sam and me are gonna do a quick liquor run and then head up to the house."

'We will?" I ask, surprised and steal a glance at Eddie. Eddie has a straight face. He's serious.

"I think Sam could do with some fresh air, because she looks really, really hot." Not a hint of a smirk. Completely deadpan. I even believe him myself.

"She does look hot, really hot, you're right Eddie. Thank you. You're just the sweetest guy" Kirst however is smirking, "Sam didn't sleep too well last night, vivid dreams, restless night I think." I glare at her for reminding me. She covers her mouth with her hand.

Eddie places his hand on the small of my back and leans in to look at me, concern is etched on his face.

"Are you ok Sam? Do you need help to the door?" Under the table I feel a warm hand heavy on my thigh, which squeezes gently. I look into his cobalt blue eyes and finally see it. A mischievous glint. My stomach swirls like a toploader and my legs squeeze together like a vice. I contain the urge to rip his clothes off there and then.

"I could maybe do with a little help, thank you...Eddie," I say and gently bite my bottom lip. Two can play at this game. I offer him my hand which he takes and enfolds in his. It's warm, he's obviously one of those warm bodies. He rises from his seat, pulling me with him.

"We'll see you in a little bit," he says and waves briefly to the table. I see Kirst smiling at me from behind her hand. Eddie leads me out of the door, his fingers entwined tightly with mine. I let him, following behind. I'd follow him to the ends of the earth.

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