1991 Part 16*

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* Whoop whoop! Smut alert ahoy! 

"Is orally fixated a thing?" I wonder aloud.

"Why do you ask?"

Eddie stares at me intensely, smiling with a closed mouth. He has a thousand different smiles, each one is more devastating than the last. This one reaches his eyes, which twinkle with a wicked spark but it's his mouth that gets me. It's so expressive, he has these incredible cupids bow lips, that pout and twist when he speaks and breaks into cheeky grins, so ridiculously sexy that I'd literally crawl across hot coals for this man. 

"No reason," I whisper suddenly self-conscious.

"Come here," Eddie whispers, reaching a hand out to me. We're in my room and he's sitting on my bed drinking a glass of red wine he brought up with him. I'm across the room, fidgeting and fiddling with things on my desk. I feel nervous, even though we've already had sex once. Tonight feels different. It's quiet and safe and we have all night to be alone together with no one to interrupt us, just the two of us alone. My stomach gurgles at the thought.

"You ok Sam?" Eddie asks seeing me put my hand to my stomach. 

"I'm fine, really. Will you just excuse me, I'll be two minutes." 

I dash down the hall and into the bathroom where I brush my teeth quickly and check my reflection. I wish I'd changed out of these pyjamas and put on some slinky underwear instead but it's too late now. I run my fingers through my hair and breathe slowly to steady my nerves. He's in my room, a little bit tipsy, sitting on my bed waiting for me. Eddie has this incredible ability to shake me to my core and the scariest part is I think he knows it. In fact I'm certain he does. He makes me feel so vulnerable. Eddie seems like a good guy but how fucked am I if it turns out he's secretly an asshole? It will be literal devastation. I realise I really shouldn't sleep with him again, but I know I won't be able to refuse, because he sets a fire in me just by looking at me. Kirst and Stone's relationship is still playing on my mind. He's not sleeping with her straight away and which I said was a sign of commitment, but what does that say about Eddie and me fucking in a  bathroom the second time we meet? It's too late now though, I can't take it back. Would I want to if I could? I smile to myself thinking of it, and look at myself one last time in the mirror. I turn the light off to pad back to my room. 

"I thought you'd left me" Eddie mutters. He's stretched out in my bed, half asleep, his head  buried in one of my pillows, his dark hair splayed out around him. I can see the tanned skin of his neck and his shoulders above the covers. I notice his jeans and sweater in a pile on the floor next to the bed.

"Do you want me to go?" I whisper, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, I'm wondering exactly how many clothes he has removed, I can't see that far down.

"No, get in with me, it's so warm in here," he lifts the duvet up, inviting me in and rolls onto his back, exposing his bare chest. I gasp a little at the sight of his taut skin and the delicate path of dark hair that leads below the blankets. I remember how I thought about tracing it with my finger and wonder if I should now but his eyes are closed and he lets out a heavy sigh. 

"Are you naked Eddie?" I ask quietly, not sure if he's still awake. 

"Nuh-uh, boxers," he mutters in his sleep. 

I smile and climb in next to him, lying down softly and turning off the lamp on my bedside table as I do. 

Eddie immediately wraps the duvet across us and curls himself around me. He burrows his face into my neck and throws one leg over mine, pinning me in place. He lets out a gentle snore as the big spoon. My bed is filled with the scent of him. I inhale deeply, enveloped in his warm, smooth skin and I grasp his hand, entwining his fingers with mine. I close my eyes and try to think about sleep while every fibre of my body is alert, stimulated and overly aware of him. I roll over so that I'm facing him, to look at his face. He doesn't let go, he just murmurs slightly in his sleep and carries on holding me tightly. I press my head to his chest with my arms around him and listen to him breathing gently. I curl in and listen to his heartbeat, slowly, slowly I drift off to sleep.

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