Part 18

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Immediately there was chaos around me as Bobby and Alex's men threw ruthless punches and kicks at one another. Alex's first punch left Bobby with a bloody lip. Bobby defended against Alex's punch by kneeing Alex on the stomach. I felt my heart stop beating when someone suddenly pulled a knife from behind with the aim to stab Alex. Alex was unaware and kept exchanging punches with each other until I heard a familiar voice scream behind you. "Michael?"

From where I hid behind the sofa, I saw Alex dodge the knife and twist the wrist of the person who tried to attack him. Turning towards the voice, I saw Michael in flesh for the first time. His arms were tied, and he looked bloody with bruises everywhere.

Bobby grabbed Michael by the hair and held a knife to his throat. Tell your men to stop before I kill him. Immediately, Alex created a loud sound by kicking Bobby's table and yelled, "ORDER." Everyone who came with Alex surrounded him in a semicircle and waited for further instructions.

Handing Michael back to one of his men, Bobby walked towards Alex. He snickered and lightly slapped Alex on the side of his face. "Now all that fighting was unnecessary amongst partners. Since I punched you well a few times, we'll take it as even." Eyeing Michael, Bobby sneered and said, "I'll give you 30 minutes to figure out what he did." He then took his men and left.

Immediately after Bobby left, Michael screamed, "boss" and kneeled on the ground. "Boss I deserve to die. I should have managed the goods more appropriately. I can't believe they were stolen from me."

Alex raised his eyebrows and said, "Stolen from you? We already found evidence that you tampered with the video camera at our warehouse. What do you have to say?"

Michael looked downwards and his face paled. "I didn't tamper the cameras; I was trying to fix them."

Alex looked at Michael with disbelief, "Let's say that you didn't tamper the cameras. Where have you been for the past few days."

Michael then dropped another bombshell, he said, "someone tried to kill me during a gunfight at the warehouse. I've since been in recovery and hiding." He paused and said, "Sorry that I worried everyone."

Alex nodded and said, "Can you tell me from start to beginning what happened?"

Michael thought for a moment and said, "A few days ago after we met up to discuss logistics for the new batch of goods, I went back to the warehouse and noticed that something was wrong with our cameras, so I called a technician to go to our warehouse to fix the broken cords. It seemed like a normal day. We successfully shipped out our first goods to our supplier. A few days after that I was given a hidden message to go back to our warehouse late at night. I figured it was to complete a mandatory check, however, when I arrived, I was immediately ambushed. I was shot once by someone from the mercenary guild, Atlantis society before someone from our team heard a noise and came into the warehouse. You know how that guild is. They are impossible to hire unless you have money or power. I was no match for the person. Thankfully, I wore a bullet vest that day otherwise I would have been dead. That didn't stop me from getting bruises all over my body. I know I had to lie low for a few days since no one escapes an Atlantis kill order."

After Michael finished telling his story, we hear a knock on the door. 30 minutes is up. Bobby returned and said, everyone aside from Alex leaves the door.

I noticed everyone start to shuffle out. During the time that I was contemplating whether to leave the couch, everyone already shuffled outside. Kicking myself for my slow decision-making, I stayed in the room to listen to their conversation.

Bobby asked, "How did it go? Did you discover anything new?"

Alex replied and said, "Yes, someone put in an Atlantis order for Michael. Since Michael works for me, I presume that the bounty for his head is quite high."

Bobby nodded in agreement, "Not many people can afford the Atlantis order. Have you had conflicts with anyone these days? I'll ask my associates if they have heard any rumblings from the Atlantis society."

Alex, then said, "I'll be taking Michael with me. I have something for him to help me do" Alex then turned his head in my direction and make eye contact with him. While I was feeling ashamed that I was caught eavesdropping, I heard, "stop hiding, time for us to go."

I slowly limped my way to Alex and followed them out


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