Part 7 - Hacking

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Being half awake, it took me a second to realize that the person waking me up was not an actual human. And once I did make this realization, I almost screamed. I made a note to myself that it is a bad idea to follow a boss with a ghost trailing him. Luckily or unluckily, Michael seemed to have expected my reaction and warned me to not scream in advance. "Don't scream!" he said. I'm not sure if I imagined this in my half-dazed state, but he may have also mentioned that he will haunt me every night if I did.

I can't believe that I am being threatened by a ghost right now. "Marina, right? I saw your name from your ID." I nodded, further cementing the idea that I needed a fake ID for this job. It's way too dangerous letting everyone know my real identity.

Seeing that he had my attention and annoyance, Michael said, "I need you to go into Alex's computer and get a security system code for me. I'm interested in watching a video."

I immediately woke up from my half-dazed state. I narrowed my eyes and whispered, "Why?" This feels awfully suspicious. Why am I hacking into my new boss's computer on my first or maybe second day of the job? Also, who would believe me if I told them a ghost made me do it?

"I'll tell you after you get the code."

"I'm not willing, if you don't tell me the reason. This is too risky." My eyes suddenly widened as I thought further about his sketchy behavior. "Please don't tell me you actually stole the goods. If you did, you need to return it!"

Michael rolled his eyes and said, "I told you already that I didn't steal the goods. Just help me this once." He continued vaguely, "Who knows what I plan to ask you to do may help you with this case."

A part of me was also curious. I thought, what could a ghost possibly have to hide?

"Okay, I'll help you get the code, but you have to promise to tell me your next steps. Don't forget, I am doing you the favor here."

Michael smiled and nodded in agreement. I asked, "Okay, what do I have to do?"

"You need to enter Alex's room and log into his computer. I hacked it before," he paused and looked at his own body and said, "I became like this." Seeing that I was still attentive, he continued, "The password is EA1003Sicily. In his computer, there is an application called SecurePassword, where you will get a number. This number will then be inputted into a third application called June security, a place where you'll have administrative access to view and delete all the security footage of the firm. Don't worry if this sounds complex, I'll repeat the same steps again when we're in his room."

The longer I listened to Michael speak, the more I believed that this was a terrible idea, however I was curious as to what this security video was. I figured I should just watch the video then decide what to do next. Even so, I could feel my stomach gurgling slightly from stress. Turning on my phone flashlight, I quietly exited my room and entered Alex's. After turning on his computer, all I could hear was the computer fan and my accelerating heart. Taking a deep breath, I typed in the password that Michael provided and followed his instructions into obtaining the code for the June security system.

I continued acting on Michael's instructions. He wasn't exactly sure of the time, but he told me to start looking through the videos and find the one on August 29 at around 8pm. We started looking the system with the intent to browse a few videos. To my chagrin, after opening the first video, I realized that I didn't mute the computer. Frantically, I tried to press mute, however it was too late.

Alex was awake.


Author's note: 

What do you think will happen next? 

Also, if you like the chapter, please don't forget to upvote and comment on my story! Thank you! :)

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