Part 6 - Intruding

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We finally arrived at a gated community. On a normal day, I would have noticed how exquisite his complex was. There were six high rises forming a semicircle with a luxurious water fountain in the middle surrounded by flowers. The community was crafted with beauty in mind. Alex parked his car in the garage and every car that he drove past were luxury cars. As I was following Alex up to a condo, I was feeling slightly depressed. How did a seemingly normal day turn into this one? First, I had a car accident, then I learned that I was living with a kid ghost and now, I started a suicidal job with a seven-day timeline. The worst part of this whole thing is that quitting means death, and to make my life more miserable, I'm given clues on the case from the very ghost who is being accused of the robbery.

We walked past the wide lobby and Alex greeted the doorman with a nod. I followed behind him and entered the elevator. Michael decided to not follow and said, "I want to see how my family is doing and will take my leave until tomorrow. Bye." Still not quite used to speaking with a ghost, I awkwardly, said to Michael, "Bye, See you tomorrow."

For someone as wealthy as Alex, his bachelor pad was oddly simple. He had a one-bedroom apartment with top of the line kitchen appliances and a restroom that looked like it belonged at a spa. Alex looked at my attire and suggested that I take a shower first. After I finished showering, I realized that I didn't have any clean clothes to change into. I was embarrassed to ask a near stranger to borrow clothes. Awkwardly, I poked my head outside the door and asked, "Would you happen to have any clean close that I can change into?"

Without looking up Alex said, "Sure, don't worry about it. Let me find something for you."

The whole evening, I surfed the web while Alex appeared to be working diligently. I couldn't help but glance at him every so often. At one point, he chuckled at something that he saw on the screen and I felt my heart stop skip beating for a second. I sighed, realizing that it's such a pity. Quality and simple men don't exist. If given the option, I would rather date someone who didn't require me to risk my life.

Time flew. Alex broke the silence and said, "since you're intruding on my space, I think you should take the couch." I readily agreed.

He, then asked, "Michael left right?"

I replied, "Yes."

"Good, I felt that it's a bit strange for him to watch me as I slept."

Thus far, the only ghost I've seen in this apartment building was Michael and we brought him here. My guess is that this must be a newly built apartment building. I should be okay sleeping by myself on this couch. Making myself comfortable, I grabbed the spare blankets that Alex offered and went to bed.

In the middle of the night, Michael came back and woke me up from my sleep by shouting, "Hey, hey wake up! I need your help."


Author's note:

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

What do you think Michael will do next? 

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