Part 15

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Alex nodded and replied, "Thank you so much for your help. I'll reach out if we have any more questions."

After the electrician left, the only people left in the room was Alex, Marley, and I. There was a small moment of silence, before Marley bit her lip and slowly said, "I'm not sure if I should be saying this Alex..." She, then looked at me, as if I was intruding. Alex noticed her stare and said, "It's okay, she will be taking Michael's role as my new secretary." Marley's eyes widen from shock. She looked like she wanted to say something but held her tongue.

Alex continued, "I haven't introduced you two. As I said, Marina will be my new secretary replacing Michael. She will be privy to everything that Michael was aware of." Gesturing to Marley, "And this is Marley, our department head. She's been working with me since I started this company. Very experience and trusted."

After completing introductions, Alex asked, "Marley, What were you going to say again?"

Marley fidgeted slightly as if she looked nervous and said, "I'm not sure if I should say this, and I know we haven't found Michael either. I don't want to wrongly mislead us, but Michael wearing the same outfit that the technician described. I specifically remember the tie." Marley looked downwards as if she was embarrassed and said, "The day that he disappeared... I teased him for being old fashioned." To my surprise, Alex was expressionless. Instead of looking at Marley, he made eye contact with me.

He replied to Marley and said, "That's helpful, I have to think about this."

He looked at me and said, "Marina, let's return to my office. I have some work to give you. And Marley, keep sharing any additional leads that you think of from Michael's case. Good work with finding Michael on camera last night." Marley nodded in acknowledgement and said smiled slightly from the compliment. "Of course, boss. I'll let you know if I find anything else."

Alex and I exited the conference room and entered his office. I slowly made my way to the couched and winced from knee pain as I sat down. "Do you or Michael have anything to say to me? What is Michael wearing right now?"

I weakly said, "Michael says it's not him"

Alex argued, "Does that sound believable right now? Tell me one reason why I should believe you right now?"

I wasn't sure what got into me, but looking at Michael's expressions, a part of me felt like he couldn't have done it. On Michael's behalf, I responded, "It's way too easy if Michael stole the goods. All the clues are pointing to him right now. What is Michael's motive? Why should he steal the goods now rather than years ago or however long this guy has served as your secretary? Wouldn't it make more sense for your competitor to use this as an opportunity to pit you against Bobby?"

Michael interrupted my monologue and said, "Let's find my body. That can prove my innocence."

I agreed with Michael and said verbally for Alex's benefit, "That's true. We need to find Michael's body. Then we can prove your innocence."

Looking back at Michael, I asked the one question that's been bothering me since starting this job, "Michael, why are you still here? Why haven't you gone to heaven yet?"


If you're still reading my story, I wanted to give you a HUGE thank you for your support!!! <3

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