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Half Blood Hill gleamed in the sunlight as Percy looked up at it from the road. It was his first day back for the summer. Excitement went through his veins at the thought of a summer full of training and being with Annabeth before heading off to finish senior year in the fall.

He trudged upward, stopping at the familiar pine tree.

Percy looked down at the cabins, the Big House beside him, the arena, etc. Campers rushed about, getting ready for the loads of campers coming later that day. He spotted Leo and Nyssa in a fight, Calypso shaking her head beside them, laughing with Harley.

Jason and Piper ran and hugged each other, excited to be back together after being at different schools all year. Despite breaking up last summer, they had gotten back together in the winter.

Chiron was trying to settle a fight between Clarisse and an Apollo's camper. A normal day at camp.

An SPQR banner hung from an open field. Percy realized with a start that the Roman campers were coming over for a weekend of tournaments and games. Wow. He was stupid to forget that. They'd probably be here an hour or so, right before dinner.

Percy shouldered his backpack and made his way towards his cabin, happy to be home once again.

He would look for Annabeth, but she was coming later after finishing up an architectural design on Olympus.

The Poseidon's cabin was the same as he left it. It wasn't messy since he cleaned it last time he was here. Correction. After Tyson cleaned it last time he was here.

The bronze shield from his brother hung on the wall beside the Minotaur's horn. The saltwater fountain, (fixed by Tyson) sprayed water, drachmas lying on the bottom like a wishing well.

The bunks were made, the drawers closed with neatly folded camp clothes inside.

Percy threw his backpack down on the bed with a thud. He unpacked, taking some clothes putting them in the drawers, setting his toiletries in his intable, placing pictures out on the dresser, desk, and taping them to the wall by his bed. He'd never done pictures before, but Percy felt moved to.

Pictures of Annabeth, his mom, Paul, Tyson, the other six demigods from the Argo II last year. Reyna, Nico, and other campers Percy knew well. He finally pulled out another small stack of pictures. He flipped through them for the thousandth time. Silena, Beckendorf, Ethan Nakamura, Luke, Michael Yew, Zoe Nightshade, Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo, and the other friends he had who were now dead. He hung them up neatly on the wall beside the family photos. Most people would wonder why he did that. Why he'd make it sad. But Percy was doing it for him, for them. Reminding himself about their lives every time he got in bed. It helped him understand sacrifice, war, suffering, and all the lives that were lost so he could still be alive.

After shoving an empty bag under the bed, Percy changed into kaki shorts and a camp t-shirt, making him feel even more at home.

Knowing he had time before Annabeth arrived, Percy walked over to the fountain, throwing a drachma into the rainbow.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Frank Zhang."
The rainbow shimmered showing the Asian Canadian praetor in the shotgun seat of a black SUV, Reyna driving with Hazel and Dakota in the backseats.

Most people would have freaked out and wrecked, but Reyna just glanced over once, hardly fazed. Hazel and Frank waved. Dakota gave a Kool-Aid smile before drinking more Kool-Aid.

"Hi, Percy!" Hazel greeted.

"Sup!" Percy grinned slightly, waving.

"Figured you'd call at some point. Make it to camp?" Frank asked.

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