Short stories collection

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Author: Nahfam86
Chapters: 6
Status: incomplete
Trigger warnings: death

I've never reviewed a collection of short stories before, so forgive me if the review seems a bit short too.

Just from a reader's standpoint, the best short stories are the ones that make you wish they weren't actually short stories because you want to read more. I think my favorites from your collection were Reunited and Followed. These both felt like they had a good overall structure to them and were substantial enough they could easily be made into longer stories. I think you have a nice style, I especially like the interludes you use in between paragraphs that jump in to the mind of the narrator. It's a nice touch.

My advice to you would be to try and make some of your other short stories a bit longer. Some of them are maybe only 1 or 2 pages long and so doesn't give readers a lot of time to really enjoy the story before it's done. There are of course lots of different ways to write short stories, and some can be longer or shorter than others. But I think your stories would benefit from a bit more for your readers to enjoy. Also, a small thing but just make sure to double check small grammar things like capitalization and missing words.

Nice collection of stories!


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