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Title: Spectre

Author: @VKHera

Chapters: 18

Status: Ongoing

Triggers: Mature Language, violence.

Area of focus: I would just love to hear your opinion on the pacing and the flow of the story, whether you enjoyed it and found it interesting and if there are any areas I can improve.

Crime stories and mysteries are always fun to read because they really make you think! I love a good suspense story and find it fun to try and figure out what's going to happen. You have a really cool premise of writing a bunch of mini crime novellas that all are linked together into one large story. That's not something I've seen before and really liked it. Nice job! I don't know very much about BTS, but I think you did a good job of writing the characters even for those like myself who do not know a lot about them.

Another thing I especially liked about your story was the amount of detail you would put into describing events during a chapter. The train story arc and the time Jungkook spends in the hospital especially come to mind. I loved that you provided detail about what the characters were feeling in those moments, it really made you feel more for the characters and what they were experiencing. The subtle foreshadowing you included leading up to main plot points is great too; it helps build that suspense that makes reading crime novels so fun! Also, love how you describe Jungkook's singing and Taehyung's reaction to it.

In terms of things I'd offer to improve on, I would really like to see more background information for Taehyung in regards to the case he is trying to solve with his father's death. If this is a main plot point driving the story it should be introduced early in the first few chapters. Put that use of description to good use! Tell us more about why Taehyung is stuck on the case or what is driving him to solve it; why does no one else believe that his father was murdered, how does it impact his every day life, etc. You do a nice job of providing description to set the scene at the beginning and end of chapters, I'd love to see more of this throughout the help break up the dialogue. The pacing can also seem a bit fast when it comes to the relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook, don't be afraid to draw things out. It helps make the readers come back to find out more!

That being said, keep writing! And feel free to reach out to me on my personal account if you have more questions, I'm always glad to help.  


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