Chapter 82 - March 16th, 2018 - 3:53 P.M.

Start from the beginning

"Old songs really are special, aren't they?" I asked Malcolm with a genuine smile after the song was over.

"They really are. So what do you feel like doing?" he asked, hanging off his bed upside down like a monkey.

"Let's watch some TV," I replied with a shrug. Truth be told, I didn't plan running away from home very well.

Malcolm turned on the television, and things had gone wrong right away. What would have typically been an episode of Community became a broadcasted speech given by Maynard to the people of Arcadia. I nearly threw a shoe at the television in an attempt to destroy it so I wouldn't have to watch the garbage.

"What is this?" Malcolm asked, confused.

"I dunno, but let's watch this," I replied anxiously, not bothering to explain to him why I was so invested in the speech.

"Okay, let me see if this gages my interest," Malcolm said, sitting down on his bed.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Arcadia, welcome! My name is Maynard Conrad, and I have some words to say to you today. We have seen much progress throughout my rule, including the national economy tripling and the expansion of CONIUM into weapons production. I am grateful for all of you who supported my glorious time in office; I wouldn't be able to do half the things I did without the people. After all, isn't that what this beautiful nation was built on? In 1776, our fathers fought to free us from the British so that we may become independent of tyranny; I have done the same five centuries later. I have stopped the Belgium Monaco Nuclear Crisis single-handedly and proved to the people that I care about their interests and always have. It is with a heavy heart that I step down as ruler of Arcadia. I will be succeeded by my great friend and master, Tobias Nobilis. I give all glory to the man who brought culture into our land, the man who helped our nation revitalize itself into a new golden age! We are in this together; I tell all of you! Glory be to the republic. Nos sumus invicta!" Maynard yelled out with a raised fist at the end.

I had never heard such an ingenuine speech in my life. If you want me to critique it honestly, he spent most of the time either bragging about his likely nonexistent accomplishments and the other spitting random fluff that meant nothing. That's why I hate politics; it's a collection of people seeing who can lie the most convincingly. Left, right, or center, they're all the same deep down. They don't give a damn about any of you, just your money.

"Dude, my last name is Nobilis; that's so weird but cool at the same time..." Malcolm replied with a look of surprise on his face.

No, please don't tell me that another psychopath will replace Maynard! Ugh, can I do nothing right in this world?

"This movie is pretty interesting. Do you know what it's called?" Malcolm asked curiously.

"Uh... I don't, but let's look," I replied awkwardly as I grabbed the remote and tried to see what it named the program. I swear to you that it said something like ⋔⏃⊬⋏⏃⍀⎅ ⏃⋏⎅ ⏃⍀☊⏃⎅⟟⏃ when I tried to see the title of the "program." The worst part was that by that point, I didn't even feel bad about lying to Malcolm; I looked out for my self-interests above those of everyone else, as horrible as that sounds.

"Am I crazy, or is that just a bunch of gibberish?" he asked, confused, with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I see it too," I replied with a sigh as I turned off the television.

"No, don't!" he yelled out.

"My bad," I replied flatly as I turned the television back on. This time, it was broadcasting the election speech of Tobias Nobilis. I prepared myself for more lies.

"My people, the future holds great blessings in store for all of us! As president, I will triple the economy once again and focus a third of my personal budget on bettering medicine and food for all of my humble followers. Too long, we have lived afflicted by illness and nutritionless food. The men, women, and children cry out for something more than bread. I will give you more! I will give unto every citizen of Arcadia food that is healthy for both the body and the mind; no more will we struggle with obesity from quick-made meals. Our great nation has suffered too long from this poison that we put into our bodies called junk food. Soon, you will be able to eat as much food as you want without becoming overweight; I will put my greatest scientists into preparing meals that meet the nutritional requirements of everyone! For medicine, I will eliminate every prion disease out there so that no more people have to suffer from incurable diseases. Our people will be free! Nos sumus invicta!" he replied, also putting his fist in the air.

"How much do you wanna bet he's gonna do none of those things?" Malcolm asked, chuckling.

"I don't trust politicians; They build their entire career on lies," I replied, shaking my head.

"Welcome to the club. Hold on, let me save this movie," Malcolm said as he pressed the recording button. As soon as he pressed it, I heard a violent hissing sound coming from the back of the television. By instinct, I knew to run out of the room. Malcolm didn't ask any questions and instead ran after me. If he didn't, he might have perished that day.

I slammed the door to our room shut just as a massive BOOM emanated from our room. Curious as to what happened, I ran inside and, to my horror, found a fist-sized hole in the center of the television with shattered glass lying everywhere around the room.

"Yikes, we gotta clean this mess up," Malcolm said, shaking his head.

Well... that's the second television I've destroyed...

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