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The alarming sound of JARVIS blared through the speakers of the tower awakening everyone from their slumber. Tony's a real ass for that.

Today the Avengers return back to their normal hero life. But as their are no known threats at the moment it's just boring meetings and paperwork to be done for now.


The alarm certainly startled me as I shot up in bed and Bucky done the same right next to me before throwing his back down and groaning. I love my job and everything but early mornings and Tony's stupid alarm system not so much.

"Come on, old boy" I slap Bucky's bare chest and swing my legs off the side of the bed before stretching. I then turn around to face Bucky to see him grinning at my bare back.

"We could just say you caught a bug..." he whispers climbing behind me to kiss my shoulders softly. My head falls back against his and I lean into his touch.

"We could.." I whisper back enjoying the warmth from his body. "But we need to get ready" I smile standing up abruptly, still naked, running to the bathroom and shutting the door.

"You're an ass!" He shouts but it's muffled by the door between us. I throw on a old top and shorts before washing my face. when Bucky comes in the bathroom, now wearing some shorts and a vest and starts lathering his face with shaving foam. I like the stubble that had started to grow around his chin it makes him look like a scruffy puppy but apparently he doesn't. I'll persuade him to let it grow out in the future.

I continue washing my face as the scraping sound of Bucky shaving resonates the room. I dab my face with a clean flannel just as he finishes up and faces me.

"How do I look?" He asks. I can't help but stare in awe at him. His lit up eyes and youthful skin. I bring my flannel to the side of his face where he had missed a bit of foam when washing his face.

"Absolutely handsome" I smile. He brings his arms around the small of my back and just embraces me. Bucky is most definitely the type of person to keep hold of any nice thing anyone has said about him all his life. He's pure gold.

After a short while we continue getting ready brushing our teeth. With us both standing at the sink staring into the mirror stealing small glances at each other, I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy in my heart. It's a rather domestic feeling and I know it's only been a short while since we have been together but I feel like even before then there was always that tension. Enough tension for no one to be entirely surprised when they found out about us.

Bucky feels like home and I want to keep hold of him for as long as I possibly can.

After freshening up I change into my work attire and so does Bucky before we meet everyone downstairs in the kitchen.

"Good morninggg lover birds" Tony bellows over everyone making them laugh and turn to face myself and Bucky standing by the door.

"Stop with names Tony" I roll my eyes. "And tell JARVIS to stop giving me a heart attack in the mornings. We have alarm clocks on our phones you know." I complain and by the sound of the multiple agreements around the room, I wasn't the only one.

"Blah blah blah. Phone alarms are boring. You really think I would spend millions on a computing system and not use it to annoy anyone? I don't think so." He shrugs his shoulders in the most Tony way possible.

"Anyways, there's a meeting with S.H.I.E.L.D in 20 minutes so get some food and be there" Tony announces before walking towards the door. "Oh and that spider boy moves in today" he finishes and leaves the room.

"His name is Peter Parker!" Steve shouts after him.


The meeting was boring as assumed but apparently I will be sent a file soon to hear about my next mission. Hopefully it's a good one to start off my return from vacation. I've missed the adrenaline.

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