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The next morning could not have been any more stressful.

Firstly, Thor arrived at the airport late. Which gave him minutes to get through security and then get onto the plane. This would've been easier if he left his sarcasm at home but not even The God Of Thunder could do that. The airport workers were not exactly in the joking around mood at 8am in the morning.

Then Bruce somehow got out the cab outside the airport without his suitcase. How does one forget to grab the most important thing needed on a vacation whilst standing outside a airport. Luckily, before Bruce started panicking, Clint, was there to make a few phone calls to make sure the belongings were bought back to his friend.

As expected, Rhodey and Sam was early to get to the airport. Early enough that they had sat in the cafe in the airport and treated themselves to some toast and a coffee. You could tell they were enjoying it due to the smug smiles on their faces when the others came in looking like they had been dragged through trenches.

Finally, Bucky somehow turned up outside the airport at the exact same time as Y/N and Wanda. Getting out cabs right next to each other and internally cursing at the awkwardness from the night prior.

Once they were all grouped together in the seemingly quiet airport, their conversations were interrupted by a ding that came from each of their phones. It was a message from Tony explaining why only some of the Avengers were starting their vacation today and the rest would be there a day late.

No one argued with this decision as they were just happy to be getting a break.


Tony was nice enough to lend the private jet to the bunch for their journey.

The jet is huge. It has sofas, tables and even small bedrooms for those that couldn't quite get comfortable in the leather seats.

The cream coloured interior gave off a rich atmosphere. Like we all know Stark is a multi-millionaire but the expensive item still came as a surprise for the other Avengers.

With the plane now in the clear air, chatter was increasing and people were up and moving around and ordering snacks and food. It didn't seem anyone was still fighting the hangover any longer. With just good vibes between the friends.


I can feel Bucky's gaze on me from where I am sat staring out the window with my earbuds in. I refuse to look at him. Not because he has done anything wrong. I'm just too embarrassed. Last night I acted like a child whilst complaining about how I'm treated like a child.
Proving their point entirely.

I really wanted to kiss him. I know I've always liked Bucky and the way we act around each other, I like to think the feelings are mutual. Last night was our opportunity to act on it but Nat had other ideas. I can't blame her though, I'm probably closer to Nat than any of the others. We just clicked straight away and I really appreciate her so much.

She's always the first to know when somethings up with me. She's like my big sister that I never knew I needed and I'm her little sister she always wanted.

I know I am going to have to speak to Bucky at some point during this vacation so I just need to suck it up and speak about what happened.  

But for now, I'm going off to one of the bedrooms in the plane to sleep.

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