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It was getting dark now and we were still sitting on the beach just talking. I was leaning back on my hands and Y/N was sitting between my legs, with a back against my chest.

Bucky you idiot. It's nearly 9pm and the poor girl hasn't had something proper to eat. He looks back at the boardwalk and everything seems to be shut except a small fish and chip van.

"Are you hungry?"

She seems to think for a second before speaking. "Not extremely, but some chips sounds nice"

What are the chances of that.

Y/N stands up allowing me to get up also and I fold the blanket up and pick up any remaining rubbish and throw it away.

As we are walking across the beach I trip a little which of course made Y/N perk up with one of her old man jokes.

"Careful, don't wanna pull a hip out" she laughs.

"You're so funny" I comment sarcastically.

We reach the van and I pay for two cones of chips which we eat on a bench nearby.

"Thankyou Bucky" Y/N breaks the silence.

"What for?"

"All of this. All of what has happened. I haven't felt this happy in a long time."

That meant so much to me. We felt the same way. I thought I was never going to find happiness in this life. Especially with my past. I was seen as a monster. I still am to many. But I'm not like that anymore. I don't kill. I hurt people on missions but that's my job. Things are different now.

"You deserve it"

We finish eating in silence before deciding to return back to the villa.


When we step back into the villa the sound of laughter echos through the cement building. I give Bucky a confused look before continuing to where the noise was coming from.

Around the dining table sat Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Clint and Tony. They all looked at me and Bucky as we stepped into the room.

"How was the date?" Bruce speaks.

"How did you-" I'm cut off by Natasha.

"Sam told us"

"Of course he did" Bucky huffed from beside me.

"The date was lovely, I really enjoyed it." I shared a genuine smile.

"Your hair is wet?" Tony notices.

"Yeah we went swimming in the ocean" Bucky rubbed the back of his neck.

I was getting kind of frustrated by everyone asking questions. It was mine and Bucky's night.

"Just swimming? You were gone most of the night!" Clint snorts.

"You are so nosy! We went and get something to eat after" I answer.

Everyone seemed to nod or smile as we still stood in the middle of the room. Until of course Thor spoke.

"So are you two now... canoodling?"

Everyone burst out in laughter including Bucky and myself. Thor looked confused.

"No Thor, we are not.. canoodling" I smile.

I didn't want to tell everyone about our relationship as I thought maybe Bucky didn't want anyone knowing yet.

Everyone had returned to their previous conversations and I turn to look at Bucky who tried to cover a yawn.

"You going to bed?"

Bucky nods slowly.

We head up the cold stairs and I go to walk down the hall to my room when Bucky grabs my wrist and drags me to his making me stifle a laugh.

"Sleep in here tonight?" He asks like a adorable toddler.

I don't reply I just walk into his room and look around. Our rooms are similar but his has a tall ceiling with prehistoric paintings.

Bucky threw me some basketball shorts and a tank top, which will both look huge on me, to sleep in as my clothes are tacky from the beach.

I walk into his bathroom and close the door. I think about tonight's events and smile to myself. Bucky is now my boyfriend. Wait. Are we labelling things? He said 'be mine'... Does that mean boyfriend? Anyways I will work with what I have and that is Bucky.

Once changed and freshened up I return to see his shorts and shirt discarded onto the floor and mound under the cover on the bed. I walk over to his side and kneel down so we are face to face. He stares back with those piercing blue eyes. I reach my hand out to touch his face until he peels back the cover and pulls me onto his chest making me giggle. He brings our lips together in a slow, meaningful kiss and rolls over again so we are both on our sides facing each other. How did I get so lucky.

Bucky tightens his arms around my waist pulling me closer until we fall asleep. Holding one another.

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