'See we are all good' I pulled an overwhelmed Lizzie into my side as we finally got from the underground station after getting the tube from across the city. I could see her sigh as the London air hit her face and a smile slowly started to form on her face.

Luckily the apartment that Lizzie had booked was only around the corner from the underground station. Once we arrived we were greeted by the host, who showed us around the apartment and how to use a couple of the features like lighting and a very technical coffee machine. The host did not stay long, once they left me and Lizzie quickly had enough look around the apartment before the two of us decided just to lie down together so that Lizzie could compose herself after the stressful station.

'My sisters are only staying down the road in the Savoy' Lizzie mumbled into my chest. I raised my eyebrows when she said the Savoy, which is one of the most expensive hotels in London. At this moment I started to get a bit nervous of meeting them both tonight. We had all have plenty of facetime calls over the past few months but it is one thing speaking through a screen to actually going out with two people I used to watch on the TV. I could feel my heart start to thump in my chest as I started to think that Lizzie's sisters are going to think I am not good enough for her.

'Ingrid, your chest sounds like its going to explode!' Lizzie worriedly lifts her head off my chest. I could feel my hands start to shake.

'Hey baby, what's wrong? I mention my sisters and you've turned into a nervous wreck' Lizzie cupped my face and looked me dead in the eye.

'What if I am not good enough Lizzie' I mumbled continuing the eye contact between us.

'Ingrid, you are better than good enough! Never say anything like that! You know I love you' her thumb started to crease my cheek which instantly made me feel more calm.

At this moment she leant towards me and we shared a soft yet passionate kiss. As we broke apart our faces stayed inches apart, we spent a moment just staring at each other, admiring one another. I had one arm wrapped around her and the other now tracing my finger around her facial features and finally through her hair, when I broke our eye contact to kiss her again.

'We have a few hours until we meet my sisters, what do you want to do?' Lizzie laid on my chest now playing with my hair in a similar fashion to I was previously.

'I can think of a few things' I giggled.

'Those things can wait until later, I mean what do you want to see or go to here' Lizzie smirked whilst she raised her eye brown at me.

'Well we've got like what? 4 hours until we want to come back to get ready?' I questioned and Lizzie replied with a simple nod.

'Have you seen all of the main things here before?' I asked whilst looking down at Lizzie who's head still laid on my chest.

'Near enough, we've got three days here too so we don't need to rush' She looked up at me.

'Ever been to Camden market?' She looked confused and then intrigued

'Lizzie how have you never been! You'll love it! It's full of little independent stalls and craft and clothes. Random bands playing on the streets' I explained as she got up off me.

We both put our coats back on, I made sure that I had the keys for the apartment in my pocket along with my wallet and phone and then took Lizzie's hand ready to leave.

We took the underground again but this time it was a little quieter so Lizzie wasn't overwhelmed. Camden was only two stops from the apartment stop. When the tube stopped I guided Lizzie carefully up to street level where we were met with loud music blasting from a speaker from a shop just outside the station. Lizzie looked over to me and let out a little giggle of excitement because of so much that was going on around us.

I squeezed Lizzie's hand as we walked down the street towards the brightly coloured market stalls. We were having a quickly look at each stall until Lizzie spotted a stall that had interesting looking jewellery. As we stopped still I let go of Lizzie's hand and ran my hand up and down her back as she picked up different thumb rings. After a few tries on of different rings Lizzie decided on a wishbone shaped that had the tiniest bit of detail along it. She then picked out a plain wishbone ring for my index finger. She paid the lady and as we turned to walk Lizzie grabbed my hand and placed the ring on my index finger and hers on her thumb. I turned to her and we shared a quick kiss before carrying on down the stalls.

After hours of exploring all the different stalls and listening to some of the street artists we decided to head back to he apartment we were staying in. When back we began to get ready slowly taking our time. It was nice not having to rush getting ready. We both sat in front of the massive mirror that was in the bedroom with our ropes on both putting our make up on. After we were both finished I helped curl Lizzie's hair for her as she could not reach the back. 

We then got changed as it was edging to the time we needed to leave. Obviously due to the fact we were meeting the Olsen twins we needed to dress very nice, Lizzie had chosen a outfit a couple of weeks before I knew about the trip. I trusted her to know what kind of outfit to wear to the kind of place the twins would have booked. She had chosen a plain black jumpsuit for me that was paired with a long black coat, herself was also dressed in black. 

Both ready we stood in front of the mirror making sure we were both happy with what our finished looks looked like. I stood behind Lizzie wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning my head on her shoulder. She lent back into me making eye contact with me through the mirror. I could not stop staring at how beautiful she was. I was snapped out of my trance as Lizzie looked at her phone knowing we should of left ten minutes before. 

The Savoy, where the twins were staying, was only a couple of minutes walk from where we were staying. As we arrived, I could see quiet a few men standing with cameras all talking together. This didn't surprise me as the whole reason the twins are here is for a fashion show and this hotel is very well known to have celebrities stay in it. 

'Michael!' Lizzie called over to a man who was passing at the entrance of hotel, he looked up relieved when he heard Lizzie call his name.

'My sisters' assistant' Lizzie smiled to me as we walked over to him, our hand interlocked. I didn't want to let go, I could feel my stomach doing summersaults with how nervous I was. 

'Lizzie! it has been too long!' I was surprised at the British accent  that came from Michael's mouth considering her was the twins assistance. The shared a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. 

'And this must be the famous special friend the twins have been telling me all about' Michael turned to be holding his hand out, I smirked at the special friend comment. It made me feel a bit better that the twins had spoke about me so the nerves level shot down a tiny bit.

'Yes this is my girlfriend Ingrid' Lizzie smiled up at me as she let go of my hand and put her arm around my waist. 

After a few more words of engagement, we followed Michael into the hotel and he showed up to the floor which Lizzie's sisters were staying on. He pointed at the door in which the girls were staying and then left leaving us to it. I grabbed Lizzie's hand nervously and pulling her to face me for a second. 

'You are nervous aren't you' She rubbed my shoulder in attempt to calm me down.

'Lizzie you have no idea, I feel like I am going to throw up' I confessed. 

'Honestly we are going to be fine, it will be fine, I know it's hard but if you can forget they are famous because I know that adds to the nervousness, just think of them as my normal sisters that we have facetimed together' Her voice was calming to my ears. 

I took a deep breath as Lizzie took my hand and lead me towards the door. She knocked the door before looking up at me with a reassuring smile as we waited for the door to open. 

'LIZZIE!' Both girls squealed as the door opened. Lizzie let go of my hand as the two girls took her into a hug. 

You can do this Ingrid  I thought to myself as their hug finished. 

Bonjour guys!

so the twins are here. they will be in the next chapter as well!

how do you think the night will go?

See you in the next chapter 


College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now