Chapter 9: lets make a deal

Start from the beginning

"My king, are we almost there?" Midoriya shivered rubbing his arms, trying to keep warm.

"We should be getting there any second," he replied.

"My king, we have arrived," one of the guards announced.

"Let's go Izuku," the king commanded as he opened the carriage door and swam out. Midoriya quickly followed.

The sun was completely hidden and the only thing providing light was weird fires that were lit.

"Stay out here. Izuku stay close and don't go off on your own. Do you understand?" the king told the 3 other people that were with him.

The two guards nodded.

"Yes sir," Midoriya replied.

The king started to swim down the path that was made from the weird fires. Midoriya couldn't help but be amazed by the fires but he kept up with the king.

"King Ryland. I thought you and the boss did your monthly meeting a few days ago," a person dropped suddenly in front of the two causing them to stop in their path.

Izuku jumped back being surprised on how the man had popped out of no where.

He had a shark like tail that was an extremely dark shade of purple. It matched the scars that covered his arms, chest, and some of his face. His jet black hair created shadows over his sky blue eyes.

"Dabi. I need to speak with Shigiraki. It's urgent," the king scoffed.

The man swam up to the two of them. "What could be so important that you would come here with a random boy. I can tell he's not the prince."

"It's about my son. I need help."

"And what makes you think that he'll agree to help you?  You know how he only does things if it somehow benefits him," Dabi smirked an evil grin.

Midoriya glanced over to the king.

"I'll give money, or even jewels. Please. Let me speak to him," the king begged.

Dabi scuffed at the king. "Fine. But he is the one you have to convince."

Dabi started to swim away.

"Let's go Izuku," the king commanded. The two started to follow Dabi down the caves of their so called 'palace'.

They stopped in front of a large set of doors. "He's in here."

Before the king could say anything, Dabi swung open the doors.

"Crusty, you have visitors!" He announced making fun of Shigiraki.

"Brat. I told you not to call me that!" He grumbled.

Izuku looked up to the man that was the leader in this area. It was like nothing he had every seen before.

Shigiraki looked like a normal human but he had 8 tentacles that seemed to be attached to his back.

Shigiraki saw the king behind Dabi and quickly changed the topic. "Ryland, what are you doing back here? We made our peace treaty for the month."

"Shigiraki, I need help and your the only person that I know who would do it and wouldn't betray me," the king replied.

Shigiraki leaned back in his dark throne. "And what makes you think that I wouldn't betray you? The people here are known as villains for a reason," he creepily smiled.

"I'll pay anything you want."

"Anything?" Shigiraki questioned.

"Yes. Anything," the king begged.

"What is it that I would be helping you with? Depending on the task is what I want as payment."

"My son. His servant here saw him getting kidnapped by pirates. He's the only living heir to the throne," the king explained.

"I want your son to be my puppet," Shigiraki replied instantly.

"What?" The king questioned.

"You heard me. When your son becomes king, I want him to be my puppet. He can still rule over the kingdom however he likes, but whatever I say that he has to do to the kingdom, he does."

"I thought you would want jewels or money of sorts," the king said.

Shigiraki swam to the king and Izuku who was just awkwardly standing there.

"Why would I want something so meaningless when you said I can having anything I want."

The king bite his tongue, regretting his choice of words.

"My king-" Izuku started to say.

"Shut up Izuku! I'll take the deal. Just please get the prince back."

Shigiraki smiled. "Dabi, gather the top soldiers we have. We got ourselves a prince to find."

Izuku became even more worried.

Kirishima would be hunted by the most feared group of the sea and he would become their pawn when he became king.

'Prince Kirishima, your in a lose lose situation. I don't know how to help you,' Izuku cried in his mind.

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